1. Academic Validation
  2. [Expeimental studies in animals on a new lipid lowering compound: etiroxate hydrochloride (author's transl)]

[Expeimental studies in animals on a new lipid lowering compound: etiroxate hydrochloride (author's transl)]

  • Arzneimittelforschung. 1979;29(3):499-508.
R Beckmann
PMID: 582735

D,L-alpha-Methyl-thyroxin-ethylester hydrochloride (etiroxate hydrochloride, CG 635, Skleronorm) has been proved to be highly effective in lowering serum lipids in rats. Even daily oral doses of 3.3 mumol etiroxate hydrochloride/kg (2.8 mg/kg) decrease serum Cholesterol significantly in hypercholesterolemic rats. From a dose of 10 mg/kg upwards etiroxate hydrochloride also significantly reduces serum triglycerides. Etiroxate hydrochloride has much less effect on oxygen consumption, heart rate and heart weight of rats than have L-thyroxin and D-thyroxin, and its antigoitrogenic effect is also much slighter. As calculated from the ratio between relative effect on basal metabolism and relative effect on serum Cholesterol, the relative therapeutic index of the compound is 10--35 in comparison to a relative therapeutic index of 1 for L-thyroxin and D-thyroxin.
