1. Recombinant Proteins
  2. CD Antigens
  3. Dendritic Cell CD Proteins

Dendritic Cell CD Proteins

The cluster of differentiation (CD) antigens is a protocol used for the identification and investigation of cell surface molecules present on leukocytes. Some CD proteins often act as cell-cell or cell-matrix adhesion molecules, cytokine receptors, ion pores, or nutrient transporters. CD proteins play a variety of roles in immune system function. Dendritic cells (DC) are considered the most efficient antigen presenting cells (APC), uniquely able to induce naïve T cell activation and effector differentiation. In blood, DC constitute a rare cell population that can be broadly divided into two subtypes: CD123+CD11c- DC, called plasmacytoid DC (pDC), and CD123-CD11c+ cells, called classical DC or myeloid DC (cDC). Three antigens called BDCA-2, BDCA-3, and BDCA-4 (Blood Dendritic Cell Antigens) together with BDCA-1 (CD1c), which allow the further discrimination of human blood DC subsets. cDC can be separated into cDC1 and cDC2: cDC1 are characterized by the expression of BDCA-3 (CD141) and Clec9A, while cDC2 express CD1c. BDCA-2 (CD303) and-4 (CD304), on the other hand, together with CD123, characterize pDC.

Cat. No. Product Name / Synonyms Species Source
  • HY-P72359
    CD47 Protein, Human (Biotinylated, HEK293, Avi-His)

    Leukocyte Surface Antigen CD47; Antigenic Surface Determinant Protein OA3; IAP; MER6

    Human HEK293
    CD47 is an adhesion protein that regulates integrin signaling through G protein activation and serves as a receptor for thrombospondin THBS1, affecting signal transduction, cardiovascular homeostasis, inflammation, apoptosis, angiogenesis, self-renewal and Immunomodulatory. It regulates pulmonary endothelin EDN1 signaling, acts as a pressor in blood pressure regulation, and is critical for memory formation. CD47 Protein, Human (Biotinylated, HEK293, Avi-His) is the recombinant human-derived CD47 protein, expressed by HEK293 , with C-Avi, C-6*His labeled tag. The total length of CD47 Protein, Human (Biotinylated, HEK293, Avi-His) is 121 a.a., with molecular weight of 30-55 kDa.
  • HY-P73309
    Neuropilin-1 Protein, Human (Biotinylated, HEK293, His-Avi, solution)

    Neuropilin-1, His; CD304; NRP1; NRPNP1; VEGF165R; BDCA4

    Human HEK293
    Neuropilin-1 protein plays an important role by binding to VEGF-165, possibly inhibiting its cellular binding and inducing apoptosis. This dual function suggests its role in regulating VEGF-mediated processes. Neuropilin-1 Protein, Human (Biotinylated, HEK293, His-Avi, solution) is the recombinant human-derived Neuropilin-1 protein, expressed by HEK293 , with C-Avi, C-His labeled tag and V179A, , , , mutation. The total length of Neuropilin-1 Protein, Human (Biotinylated, HEK293, His-Avi, solution) is 623 a.a., with molecular weight of ~73.1 kDa.
  • HY-P70537
    CD4 Protein, Human (365a.a, HEK293, His)

    T-cell surface glycoprotein CD4; T-cell surface antigen T4/Leu-3; sCD4

    Human HEK293
    CD4 Protein is an integrated membrane glycoprotein that plays various roles in immune responses and defending against internal and external attacks. The alpha-helix structure of CD4 Protein and HIV-1 Vpu can be involved in the binding and degradation of CD4 molecules. CD4 Protein participates in the differentiation/activation, cytokine expression, and cell migration in macrophages or NK cells through a TCR/LCK-independent pathway. CD4 Protein can enhance the host's immune response to viral infections and boost anti-tumor immunity. CD4 Protein, Human (365 a.a, HEK293, His) is a recombinant CD4 protein with a His tag, expressed in HEK293. CD4 Protein, Human (365 a.a, HEK293, His) consists of 365 amino acids, with a molecular weight ranging from 49-58 kDa.
  • HY-P70824
    CD3 epsilon Protein, Human (27a.a, HEK293, Fc)

    T-Cell Surface Glycoprotein CD3 Epsilon Chain; T-Cell Surface Antigen T3/Leu-4 Epsilon Chain; CD3e; CD3E; T3E

    Human HEK293
    CD3 epsilon is an important component of the TCR-CD3 complex on T lymphocytes and promotes TCR-mediated signaling. When APC activates the TCR, CD3 epsilon, together with CD3D, CD3G, and CD3Z, transmits signals across the cell membrane through ITAMs. CD3 epsilon Protein, Human (27a.a, HEK293, Fc) is the recombinant human-derived CD3 epsilon protein, expressed by HEK293 , with C-mFc labeled tag. The total length of CD3 epsilon Protein, Human (27a.a, HEK293, Fc) is 27 a.a., with molecular weight of 32-40 kDa.
  • HY-P7399
    PD-L2 Protein, Human (HEK293, Fc)

    rHuPD-L2, Fc Chimera; Programmed cell death 1 ligand 2; B7DC; CD273

    Human HEK293
    PD-L2 Protein, Human (HEK293, Fc), a second ligand for PD-1, interacts with PD-1 negatively regulates T cell proliferation, cytokine production and cytotoxic activity.
  • HY-P70506
    CD3 epsilon Protein, Human (HEK293, His)

    T-Cell Surface Glycoprotein CD3 Epsilon Chain; T-Cell Surface Antigen T3/Leu-4 Epsilon Chain; CD3e; CD3E; T3E

    Human HEK293
    CD3 epsilon is an important component of the TCR-CD3 complex on T lymphocytes and promotes TCR-mediated signaling. When APC activates the TCR, CD3 epsilon, together with CD3D, CD3G, and CD3Z, transmits signals across the cell membrane through ITAMs. CD3 epsilon Protein, Human (HEK293, His) is the recombinant human-derived CD3 epsilon protein, expressed by HEK293 , with C-6*His labeled tag. The total length of CD3 epsilon Protein, Human (HEK293, His) is 104 a.a., with molecular weight of ~18.0 kDa.
  • HY-P70651
    B7-1/CD80 Protein, Human (HEK293, His)

    CD80; Activation B7-1 antigen; B7; BB1; CD28LG1; CD28LGB7-1 antigen; T-lymphocyte activation antigen CD80

    Human HEK293
    The CD80 protein plays a key role in T lymphocyte activation, promoting proliferation and cytokine production through CD28 binding. In contrast, interaction with CTLA-4 inhibits T cell activation. B7-1/CD80 Protein, Human (HEK293, His) is the recombinant human-derived B7-1/CD80 protein, expressed by HEK293 , with C-6*His labeled tag.
  • HY-P70652
    CD276/B7-H3 Protein, Human (433a.a, HEK293, His)

    CD276; B7H34Ig-B7-H3; B7-H3; B7 homolog 3; CD276 antigen; CD276 molecule; Costimulatory molecule

    Human HEK293
    CD276/B7-H3 protein can regulate T cell-mediated immune responses and act as a protective factor for tumor cells by inhibiting natural killer-mediated cell lysis. It also functions as a neuroblastoma cell marker, plays a role in acute and chronic transplant rejection, and modulates lymphocyte activity at mucosal surfaces. CD276/B7-H3 Protein, Human (433a.a, HEK293, His) is the recombinant human-derived CD276/B7-H3 protein, expressed by HEK293 , with C-His labeled tag.
  • HY-P70684
    CTLA-4 Protein, Human (HEK293, His)

    Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte protein 4; Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4; CTLA-4; CD152; CTLA4

    Human HEK293
    The CTLA-4 protein is a key inhibitory receptor and a major negative regulator of T cell responses in coordination of immune regulation. Its unique property is its significantly increased affinity for B7 ligands (CD80/CD86) compared with CD28. CTLA-4 Protein, Human (HEK293, His) is the recombinant human-derived CTLA-4 protein, expressed by HEK293 , with C-6*His labeled tag.
  • HY-P70691
    CTLA-4 Protein, Human (HEK293, GST)

    Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte protein 4, Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4, CTLA-4, CD152, CTLA4

    Human HEK293
    CTLA-4 Protein, Human (HEK293, GST) is negative regulator of T-cell immune function.
  • HY-P70706
    CTLA-4 Protein, Mouse (HEK293, Fc)

    Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte protein 4; Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4; CTLA-4; CD152; Ctla4

    Mouse HEK293
    CTLA-4 is a key inhibitory receptor that serves as a major negative regulator of T cell responses in immune regulation. Its unique property is that its affinity to B7 ligands (CD80/CD86) is significantly higher than that of CD28. CTLA-4 Protein, Mouse (HEK293, Fc) is the recombinant mouse-derived CTLA-4 protein, expressed by HEK293 , with C-hFc labeled tag.
  • HY-P70734
    PD-L2 Protein, Human (HEK293, mFc)

    Programmed Cell Death 1 Ligand 2; PD-1 Ligand 2; PD-L2; PDCD1 Ligand 2; Programmed Death Ligand 2; Butyrophilin B7-DC; B7-DC; CD273; PDCD1LG2; B7DC; CD273; PDCD1L2; PDL2

    Human HEK293
    PD-L2 Protein, operating independently of PDCD1, plays a vital role in T-cell proliferation and IFNG production. Its interaction with PDCD1 inhibits proliferation and cytokine production. The interplay between PD-L2 and PDCD1 regulates immune responses, influencing T-cell activation and function. This molecular interaction adds complexity to mechanisms governing T-cell behavior, highlighting PD-L2's versatile role in immune regulation. PD-L2 Protein, Human (HEK293, mFc) is the recombinant human-derived PD-L2 protein, expressed by HEK293 , with C-mFc labeled tag.
  • HY-P70820
    CD47 Protein, Mouse (140a.a, HEK293, His)

    Leukocyte Surface Antigen CD47; Antigenic Surface Determinant Protein OA3; Integrin-Associated Protein; IAP; Protein MER6; CD47; MER6

    Mouse HEK293
    The CD47 protein is an adhesive multifunctional protein that coordinates cell-cell interactions, serves as a THBS1 receptor, and regulates integrin signaling through heterotrimeric G proteins.It plays a key role in signal transduction, cardiovascular homeostasis, inflammation, apoptosis, angiogenesis, cell self-renewal, immune regulation, and memory formation. CD47 Protein, Mouse (140a.a, HEK293, His) is the recombinant mouse-derived CD47 protein, expressed by HEK293 , with C-6*His labeled tag.
  • HY-P71991
    CTLA-4 Protein, Mouse (HEK293, His)

    Ctla4; Cd152; Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte protein 4; Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4; CTLA-4; CD antigen CD152

    Mouse HEK293
    CTLA-4 Protein, Mouse (HEK293, His) is a recombinant CTLA-4 protein with a His-flag. CTLA-4 Protein is a single-pass type I membrane protein and belongs to the CD28 receptor family. CTLA-4 is a negative immune regulator constitutively expressed on Treg cells.
  • HY-P72019
    Siglec-2/CD22 Protein, Human (HEK293, His)

    B-cell receptor CD22; BL-CAM; Siglec-2; CD22; SIGLEC2

    Human HEK293
    The Siglec-2/CD22 protein mediates B cell interactions and may direct B cell localization within lymphoid tissues. It recognizes sialylated glycoproteins, especially α-2,6-linked sialic acid, and participates in cis-interactions at the cell surface. Siglec-2/CD22 Protein, Human (HEK293, His) is the recombinant human-derived Siglec-2/CD22 protein, expressed by HEK293 , with C-6*His labeled tag.
  • HY-P72353
    CD28 Protein, Human/Cynomolgus/Rhesus Macaque (Biotinylated, HEK293, Fc-Avi)

    CD28; CD28 antigen; CD28 molecule; T-cell-specific surface glycoprotein CD28; Tp44; TP44

    Human; Cynomolgus HEK293
    The CD28 protein is critical for T cell activation, enhancing proliferation, cytokine production, and survival. When linked to TCR/CD3 and CD40L, CD28 promotes the production of IL4 and IL10, thereby regulating immune responses. CD28 Protein, Human/Cynomolgus/Rhesus Macaque (Biotinylated, HEK293, Fc-Avi) is the recombinant human, cynomolgus-derived CD28 protein, expressed by HEK293 , with C-Avi, C-hFc labeled tag.
  • HY-P72407
    PD-L2 Protein, Human (Biotinylated, HEK293, His-Avi)

    PD-1 Ligand 2; PDCD1 Ligand 2; B7-DC; CD273; PDCD1LG2; B7DC; CD273; PDCD1L2; PDL2

    Human HEK293
    PD-L2 Protein, operating independently of PDCD1, plays a vital role in T-cell proliferation and IFNG production. Its interaction with PDCD1 inhibits proliferation and cytokine production. The interplay between PD-L2 and PDCD1 regulates immune responses, influencing T-cell activation and function. This molecular interaction adds complexity to mechanisms governing T-cell behavior, highlighting PD-L2's versatile role in immune regulation. PD-L2 Protein, Human (Biotinylated, HEK293, His-Avi) is the recombinant human-derived PD-L2 protein, expressed by HEK293 , with C-Avi, C-6*His labeled tag.
  • HY-P72492
    PD-L2 Protein, Human (HEK293, His)

    Programmed cell death 1 ligand 2; Pdcd1lg2; PD-1 ligand 2; PD-L2; PDCD1 ligand 2; B7-DC; CD273

    Human HEK293
    PD-L2 Protein, operating independently of PDCD1, plays a vital role in T-cell proliferation and IFNG production. Its interaction with PDCD1 inhibits proliferation and cytokine production. The interplay between PD-L2 and PDCD1 regulates immune responses, influencing T-cell activation and function. This molecular interaction adds complexity to mechanisms governing T-cell behavior, highlighting PD-L2's versatile role in immune regulation. PD-L2 Protein, Human (HEK293, His) is the recombinant human-derived PD-L2 protein, expressed by HEK293 , with C-His labeled tag.
  • HY-P72887
    CD200 Protein, Human (HEK293, Fc)

    OX-2 membrane glycoprotein; CD200; MOX1; MOX2; My033

    Human HEK293
    CD200 Protein stimulates T-cell proliferation and regulates myeloid cell activity in tissues. It interacts with CD200R1 through their Ig-like domains, indicating its role in immune response modulation and maintaining cellular homeostasis. CD200 Protein, Human (HEK293, Fc) is the recombinant human-derived CD200 protein, expressed by HEK293 , with C-hFc labeled tag.
  • HY-P72889
    CD200 Protein, Mouse (HEK293, His)

    OX-2 membrane glycoprotein; CD200; MOX1; MOX2; My033

    Mouse HEK293
    CD200 protein functions as a costimulator of T-cell proliferation and is implicated in the potential regulation of myeloid cell activity across various tissues.Through their N-terminal Ig-like domains, CD200 interacts with CD200R1, establishing a molecular interaction that likely contributes to the modulation of immune responses and cellular activities.CD200 Protein, Mouse (HEK293, His) is the recombinant mouse-derived CD200 protein, expressed by HEK293 , with C-His labeled tag.
Cat. No. Product Name Effect Purity