1. One-stop Drug Screening
  2. Screening Libraries
  3. Bioactive Compound Series
  4. According to Structures

According to Structures

Different product structures determine different functions. For example, compounds with covalent reactive groups can bind irreversibly to target through covalent bonds which can lead to the development of highly selective inhibitors and overcome drug resistance. Nucleoside and nucleotide analogues can mimic their physiological counterparts and subsequently be incorporated into DNA and RNA to inhibit cellular division and viral replication. Nucleoside and nucleotide analogues can be used to inhibit cancer cell growth, viral replication as well as other indications.
According to different product structures, MCE carefully prepared several libraries classified by structures, such as Covalent Screening Library, Macrocyclic Compound Library, Nucleotide Compound Library, etc.

According to Structures( 14 )

Screening Libraries
Compound Customization
  • Specific Compounds
  • Quantities
  • Plate Map
  • Concentration
  • Form (Solid or Solution)
  • YES
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