1. Signaling Pathways
  2. Metabolic Enzyme/Protease
  3. Sex Pheromone

Sex Pheromone

Sex Pheromone

Sex pheromone are chemical signals emitted by organisms, widely present in both the plant and animal kingdoms. The production of sex pheromone is regulated by pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN). Sex pheromone serve as crucial species recognition signals, capable of attracting conspecifics while inhibiting attraction between heterospecifics. They also function as mate recognition signals within species, playing a vital role in reproductive isolation and speciation processe. In agricultural practice, sex pheromone are extensively utilized in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies, encompassing monitoring of pest populations, large-scale trapping operations, disruption of mating behaviors, and implementation of push-pull tactics to control pest populations[1][2][3].

Sex Pheromone Related Products (24):

Cat. No. Product Name Effect Purity Chemical Structure
  • HY-W747086
    (Z)-5-Dodecen-1-ol is a female pheromone isolated from the pheromone glands of rice leaf folders (Plusia festucae).
  • HY-W179109
    4-Methyl-3-hexanol is a pheromone that can be isolated from ant.
  • HY-W777963
    (2E)-Octadecenal is a female pheromone targeting Lepidoptera insects, isolated from female Tineola bisselliella.
  • HY-W613934
    (E)-10-Hexadecenal is a pheromone that can be isolated from the fruit-feeding type of yellow peach moth, Dichocrocis punctiferalis.