1. Biology Dictionary
  2. 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit gamma-3

5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit gamma-3


AMP/ATP-binding subunit of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), an energy sensor protein kinase that plays a key role in regulating cellular energy metabolism. In response to reduction of intracellular ATP levels, AMPK activates energy-producing pathways and inhibits energy-consuming processes: inhibits protein, carbohydrate and lipid biosynthesis, as well as cell growth and proliferation. AMPK acts via direct phosphorylation of metabolic enzymes, and by longer-term effects via phosphorylation of transcription regulators. AMPK also acts as a regulator of cellular polarity by remodeling the actin cytoskeleton; probably by indirectly activating myosin. The AMPK gamma3 subunit is a non-catalytic subunit with a regulatory role in muscle energy metabolism. It mediates binding to AMP, ADP and ATP, leading to AMPK activation or inhibition: AMP-binding results in allosteric activation of alpha catalytic subunit (PRKAA1 or PRKAA2) both by inducing phosphorylation and preventing dephosphorylation of catalytic subunits. ADP also stimulates phosphorylation, without stimulating already phosphorylated catalytic subunit. ATP promotes dephosphorylation of catalytic subunit, rendering the AMPK enzyme inactive.

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