1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Affinity Chromatography Technology

Affinity Chromatography Technology


This class of approaches is characterised by the use of affinity resins as tools to purify molecule of interest (baits) and their binding partners. The baits can be captured by a variety of high affinity ligands linked to a resin - for example, antibodies specific for the bait itself, antibodies for specific tags engineered to be expressed as part of the bait or other high affinity binders such as glutathione resins for GST fusion proteins, metal resins for histidine-tagged proteins.

Biomedical Dictionary

The Biomedical Dictionary is a comprehensive and professional collection of biological academic terms and subject datas. All explanations are supported by authoritative books or high impact factor literatures, and you can acquire accurate explanations of the biomedical terms you want to know.
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