1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Amplified Luminescent Proximity Homogeneous Assay

Amplified Luminescent Proximity Homogeneous Assay


AlphaScreen relies on the use of Donor and Acceptor beads that are coated with a layer of hydrogel providing functional groups for bioconjugation. When a biological interaction between molecules brings the beads into proximity, a cascade of chemical reactions is initiated to produce a greatly amplified signal. Upon laser excitation, a photosensitizer in the Donor bead converts ambient oxygen to a more excited singlet state. The singlet state oxygen molecules diffuse across to react with a chemiluminescer in the Acceptor bead that further activates fluorophores contained within the same bead. The fluorophores subsequently emit light at 520-620 nm. In the absence of a specific biological interaction, the singlet state oxygen molecules produced by the Donor bead go undetected without the close proximity of the Acceptor bead. AlphaScreen has successfully been developed for enzyme assays (kinase, helicase, protease, ...), interaction assays (ligand/receptor, protein/protein, protein/DNA), immunoassays, and GPCR functional assays (cAMP, IP3).

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