1. Biology Dictionary
  2. CD48 antigen

CD48 antigen


Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored cell surface glycoprotein that interacts via its N-terminal immunoglobulin domain with cell surface receptors including 2B4/CD244 or CD2 to regulate immune cell function and activation. Participates in T-cell signaling transduction by associating with CD2 and efficiently bringing the Src family protein kinase LCK and LAT to the TCR/CD3 complex. In turn, promotes LCK phosphorylation and subsequent activation. Induces the phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic immunoreceptortyrosine switch motifs (ITSMs) of CD244 initiating a series of signaling events that leads to the generation of the immunological synapse and the directed release of cytolytic granules containing perforin and granzymes by T-lymphocytes and NK-cells.

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