1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Centrosomal protein of 295 kDa

Centrosomal protein of 295 kDa


Centriole-enriched microtubule-binding protein involved in centriole biogenesis. Essential for the generation of the distal portion of new-born centrioles in a CENPJ- and CEP120-mediated elongation dependent manner during the cell cycle S/G2 phase after formation of the initiating cartwheel structure. Required for the recruitment of centriolar proteins, such as POC1B, POC5 and CEP135, into the distal portion of centrioles. Also required for centriole-to-centrosome conversion during mitotic progression, but is dispensable for cartwheel removal or centriole disengagement. Binds to and stabilizes centriolar microtubule.

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