1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Cullin-7



Core component of the 3M and Cul7-RING(FBXW8) complexes, which mediates the ubiquitination of target proteins. Core component of the 3M complex, a complex required to regulate microtubule dynamics and genome integrity. It is unclear how the 3M complex regulates microtubules, it could act by controlling the level of a microtubule stabilizer. Interaction with CUL9 is required to inhibit CUL9 activity and ubiquitination of BIRC5. Core component of a Cul7-RING ubiquitin-protein ligase with FBXW8, which mediates ubiquitination and consequent degradation of target proteins such as GORASP1, IRS1 and MAP4K1/HPK1. Ubiquitination of GORASP1 regulates Golgi morphogenesis and dendrite patterning in brain. Mediates ubiquitination and degradation of IRS1 in a mTOR-dependent manner: the Cul7-RING(FBXW8) complex recognizes and binds IRS1 previously phosphorylated by S6 kinase (RPS6KB1 or RPS6KB2). The Cul7-RING(FBXW8) complex also mediates ubiquitination of MAP4K1/HPK1: recognizes and binds autophosphorylated MAP4K1/HPK1, leading to its degradation, thereby affecting cell proliferation and differentiation. Acts as a regulator in trophoblast cell epithelial-mesenchymal transition and placental development. Does not promote polyubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of p53/TP53. While the Cul7-RING(FBXW8) and the 3M complexes are associated and involved in common processes, CUL7 and the Cul7-RING(FBXW8) complex may be have additional functions.

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