1. Biology Dictionary
  2. DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit GRINL1A

DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit GRINL1A


Isoform 1 appears to be a stable component of the Pol II(G) complex form of RNA polymerase II (Pol II). Pol II synthesizes mRNA precursors and many functional non-coding RNAs and is the central component of the basal RNA polymerase II transcription machinery. Isoform 1 may play a role in the Mediator complex-dependent regulation of transcription activation. Isoform 1 acts in vitro as a negative regulator of transcriptional activation; this repression is relieved by the Mediator complex, which restores Pol II(G) activator-dependent transcription to a level equivalent to that of Pol II.

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