1. Biology Dictionary
  2. DNA polymerase nu

DNA polymerase nu


DNA polymerase with very low fidelity that catalyzes considerable misincorporation by inserting dTTP opposite a G template, and dGTP opposite a T template. Is the least accurate of the DNA polymerase A family (i.e. POLG, POLN and POLQ). Can perform accurate translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) past a 5S-thymine glycol. Can perform efficient strand displacement past a nick or a gap and gives rise to an amount of product similar to that on non-damaged template. Has no exonuclease activity. Error-prone DNA polymerase that preferentially misincorporates dT regardless of template sequence. May play a role in TLS during interstrand cross-link (ICL) repair. May be involved in TLS when genomic replication is blocked by extremely large major groove DNA lesions. May function in the bypass of some DNA-protein and DNA-DNA cross-links. May have a role in cellular tolerance to DNA cross-linking agents. Involved in the repair of DNA cross-links and double-strand break (DSB) resistance. Participates in FANCD2-mediated repair. Forms a complex with HELQ helicase that participates in homologous recombination (HR) repair and is essential for cellular protection against DNA cross-links.

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