1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Gal4 VP16 Complementation

Gal4 VP16 Complementation


A chimeric protein consisting of the GAL4 DNA-binding domain (aa 1-147 of GAL4) and a transcriptional activation domain from the herpes simplex virus protein VP16 (either aa 411-490 or aa 411-455) can specifically activate transcription of a reporter gene located downstream ofGAL4 DNA binding sites and the E1B minimal promoter. Similarly, two chimeric proteins, one encoding a chimeric GAL4 protein and the other encoding a chimeric VP16 protein, can activate the reporter gene, if the domains fused to the GAL4 and VP16 sequences can complex with appropriate conformation. However, if the domains fused to the GAL4 and VP16 sequences do not interact specifically to form a + complex that reconstitutes GAL4 function, the reporter gene cannot be activated.

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