1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Growth arrest-specific protein 6

Growth arrest-specific protein 6


Ligand for tyrosine-protein kinase receptors AXL, TYRO3 and MER whose signaling is implicated in cell growth and survival, cell adhesion and cell migration. GAS6/AXL signaling plays a role in various processes such as endothelial cell survival during acidification by preventing apoptosis, optimal cytokine signaling during human natural killer cell development, hepatic regeneration, gonadotropin-releasing hormone neuron survival and migration, platelet activation, or regulation of thrombotic responses.; (Microbial infection) Can bridge virus envelope phosphatidylserine to the TAM receptor tyrosine kinase Axl to mediate viral entry by apoptotic mimicry. Plays a role in Dengue cell entry by apoptotic mimicry. Plays a role in Vaccinia virus cell entry by apoptotic mimicry. Plays a role in ebolavirus and marburgvirus cell entry by apoptotic mimicry.

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