1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Krueppel-like factor 15

Krueppel-like factor 15


Transcriptional regulator that binds to the GA element of the CLCNKA promoter. Binds to the KCNIP2 promoter and regulates KCNIP2 circadian expression in the heart (By similarity). Is a repressor of CCN2 expression, involved in the control of cardiac fibrosis. It is also involved in the control of cardiac hypertrophy acting through the inhibition of MEF2A and GATA4 (By similarity). Involved in podocyte differentiation (By similarity). Inhibits MYOCD activity. Is a negative regulator of TP53 acetylation. Inhibits NF-kappa-B activation through repression of EP300-dependent RELA acetylation.

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