1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Mismatch repair deficiency

Mismatch repair deficiency


Mismatch repair (MMR) deficiency is a condition associated with DNA mismatch repair mutations. MMR deficiency is correlated with hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) and some forms of sporadic tumors. HNPCC also referred to as Lynch syndrome, is an autosomal-dominant-inherited disorder characterized by predisposition to colorectal cancer and extracolonic malignancies, frequent multiple primary tumors in the same patient, and early age of cancer onset. A clinical variant of Lynch syndrome, Muir-Torre syndrome (MTS) is characterized by the association between one or more visceral malignancies, with at least one sebaceous skin tumor or keratoacanthoma. Turcot syndrome is characterized by the concurrence of primary brain tumors and colon cancers and/or multiple colorectal adenomas.

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