1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Potter syndrome

Potter syndrome


Potter syndrome is a rare fatal disorder that occurs in sporadic and hereditary forms. It affects predominantly male babies and is accompanied by severe oligohydramnios, polycystic kidney, bilateral renal agenesis, and obstructive uropathy during middle gestational weeks. Renal failure is the main defect in Potter syndrome. Other characteristic features include premature birth, breech presentation, atypical facial appearance, and limb malformations. Severe respiratory insufficiency leads to a fatal outcome in most infants. Potter syndrome has been divided into 4 distinct subgroups. Potter syndrome type I is referred to as autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD), type II as renal dysplasia, type III as autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), and type IV occurs when a longstanding obstruction in either the kidney or ureter leads to cystic kidneys or hydronephrosis. Particularly types II-IV can be part of many syndromes.

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