1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Proton-transporting V-type ATPase complex assembly regulator TMEM9

Proton-transporting V-type ATPase complex assembly regulator TMEM9


Transmembrane protein that binds to and facilitates the assembly of lysosomal proton-transporting V-type ATPase (v-ATPase), resulting in enhanced lysosomal acidification and trafficking. By bringing the v-ATPase accessory protein ATP6AP2 and the v-ATPase subunit ATP6V0D1 together, allows v-ATPase complex formation and activation. TMEM9-controlled vesicular acidification induces hyperactivation of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling, involved in development, tissue homeostasis and tissue regeneration, through lysosomal degradation of adenomatous polyposis coli/APC. In the liver, involved in hepatic regeneration.

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