1. Biology Dictionary
  2. RNA 5'-monophosphate methyltransferase

RNA 5'-monophosphate methyltransferase


O-methyltransferase that specifically monomethylates 5'-monophosphate of cytoplasmic histidyl tRNA (tRNA(His)), acting as a capping enzyme by protecting tRNA(His) from cleavage by DICER1. Also able, with less efficiently, to methylate the 5' monophosphate of a subset of pre-miRNAs, acting as a negative regulator of miRNA processing. The 5' monophosphate of pre-miRNAs is recognized by DICER1 and is required for pre-miRNAs processing: methylation at this position reduces the processing of pre-miRNAs by DICER1. Was also reported to mediate dimethylation of pre-miR-145; however dimethylation cannot be reproduced by another group which observes a monomethylation of pre-miR-145.

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