1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Serine/threonine-protein kinase BRSK1

Serine/threonine-protein kinase BRSK1


Serine/threonine-protein kinase that plays a key role in polarization of neurons and centrosome duplication. Phosphorylates CDC25B, CDC25C, MAPT/TAU, RIMS1, TUBG1, TUBG2 and WEE1. Following phosphorylation and activation by STK11/LKB1, acts as a key regulator of polarization of cortical neurons, probably by mediating phosphorylation of microtubule-associated proteins such as MAPT/TAU at 'Thr-529' and 'Ser-579'. Also regulates neuron polarization by mediating phosphorylation of WEE1 at 'Ser-642' in postmitotic neurons, leading to down-regulate WEE1 activity in polarized neurons. In neurons, localizes to synaptic vesicles and plays a role in neurotransmitter release, possibly by phosphorylating RIMS1. Also acts as a positive regulator of centrosome duplication by mediating phosphorylation of gamma-tubulin (TUBG1 and TUBG2) at 'Ser-131', leading to translocation of gamma-tubulin and its associated proteins to the centrosome. Involved in the UV-induced DNA damage checkpoint response, probably by inhibiting CDK1 activity through phosphorylation and activation of WEE1, and inhibition of CDC25B and CDC25C.

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