1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Shugoshin 2

Shugoshin 2


Cooperates with PPP2CA to protect centromeric cohesin from separase-mediated cleavage in oocytes specifically during meiosis I. Has a crucial role in protecting REC8 at centromeres from cleavage by separase. During meiosis, protects centromeric cohesion complexes until metaphase II/anaphase II transition, preventing premature release of meiosis-specific REC8 cohesin complexes from anaphase I centromeres. Is thus essential for an accurate gametogenesis. May act by targeting PPP2CA to centromeres, thus leading to cohesin dephosphorylation (By similarity). Essential for recruiting KIF2C to the inner centromere and for correcting defective kinetochore attachments. Involved in centromeric enrichment of AUKRB in prometaphase.

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