1. Biology Dictionary
  2. TBC1 domain family member 23

TBC1 domain family member 23


Putative Rab GTPase-activating protein which plays a role in vesicular trafficking. Involved in endosome-to-Golgi trafficking. Acts as a bridging protein by binding simultaneously to golgins, including GOLGA1 and GOLGA4, located at the trans-Golgi, and to the WASH complex, located on endosome-derived vesicles. Together with WDR11 complex facilitates the golgin-mediated capture of vesicles generated using AP-1. Plays a role in brain development, including in cortical neuron positioning (By similarity). May also be important for neurite outgrowth, possibly through its involvement in membrane trafficking and cargo delivery, 2 processes that are essential for axonal and dendritic growth (By similarity). May act as a general inhibitor of innate immunity signaling, strongly inhibiting multiple TLR and dectin/CLEC7A-signaling pathways. Does not alter initial activation events, but instead affects maintenance of inflammatory gene expression several hours after bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge (By similarity).

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