Diseases |
Alias |
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis 2 |
Mutyh-Related Attenuated Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Colorectal Adenomatous Polyposis, Autosomal Recessive
Adenomas, Multiple Colorectal
Mutyh-Associated Polyposis
Mutyh-Related Attenuated Familial Polyposis Coli
Mutyh-Related Attenuated Fap
Adenomas, Multiple Colorectal, Autosomal Recessive
Mutyh-Related Afap
Adenomas Multiple Colorectal Autosomal Recessive
Colorectal Adenomatous Polyposis Autosomal Recessive
Adenomatous Polyposis, Familial, Type 2
Gastric Cancer |
Stomach Cancer
Gastric Carcinoma
Stomach Carcinoma
Gastric Cancer, Somatic
Gastric Neoplasm
Carcinoma Of Stomach
Stomach Neoplasms
Malignant Neoplasm Of Stomach
Gastric Cancer Risk After H. Pylori Infection
Cancer Of The Stomach
Adult Stomach Cancer
Adult Stomach Carcinoma
Gastric Cancer Intestinal
Gastric Cancers
Gastric Carcinomas
Cancer, Gastric
Stomach Neoplasm
Malignant Neoplasm Of Body Of Stomach
Malignant Tumor Of Lesser Curve Of Stomach
Gastrocarcinoma Of Unspecified Site
Leather Bottle Stomach
Carcinoma Of Fundus Of Stomach
Cancer Of Fundus Of Stomach
Primary Malignant Neoplasm Of Body Of Stomach
Cancer Of Body Of Stomach
Primary Malignant Neoplasm Of Pyloric Antrum
Pyloric Antrum Cancer
Malignant Tumour Of Stomach
Myh-Associated Polyposis |
Autosomal Recessive Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Autosomal Recessive Multiple Colorectal Adenomas
Map Syndrome
Familial Colorectal Cancer |
Colorectal Cancer, Familial
Pilomatrixoma |
Epithelioma Calcificans Of Malherbe
Benign Pilomatricoma
Calcifying Epithelioma Of Malherbe
Pilomatricoma, Somatic
Benign Pilomatrixoma
Malherbe Calcifying Epithelioma
Endometrial Cancer |
Endometrial Carcinoma
Endometrial Neoplasm
Malignant Neoplasm Of Endometrium
Endometrioid Carcinoma
Endometrial Neoplasms
Carcinoma, Endometrioid
Endometrial Cancer, Familial
Endometrial Carcinoma, Somatic
Endometrial Cancer, Susceptibility To
Endometrial Ca
Malignant Endometrial Neoplasm
Neoplasm Of Endometrium
Primary Malignant Neoplasm Of Endometrium
Tumor Of Endometrium
Carcinoma Of The Endometrium
Endometrioid Carcinoma Of Female Reproductive System
Carcinoma Endometrioid
Endometrial Cancers
Cancer, Endometrial
Uterine Corpus Cancer
Colorectal Cancer |
Colon Cancer
Colorectal Carcinoma
Colon Carcinoma
Colorectal Cancer, Susceptibility To
Carcinoma Of Colon
Colorectal Cancer With Chromosomal Instability, Somatic
Colon Cancer, Somatic
Colon Cancer, Susceptibility To
Colonic Neoplasms
Colorectal Neoplasms
Colorectal Cancer, Somatic
Colon Cancer, Advanced, Somatic
Colonic Carcinoma
Colorectal Carcinomas
Colon Cancers
Colorectal Cancers
Cancer, Colorectal, Somatic
Cancer, Colon
Cancer, Colorectal, Susceptibility To
Colorectal Neoplasm
Colonic Neoplasm
Malignant Tumor Of Colon
Breast Cancer |
Breast Carcinoma
Male Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer, Familial
Malignant Neoplasm Of Breast
Breast Cancer, Susceptibility To
Breast Cancer, Early-Onset
Malignant Tumor Of Breast
Carcinoma Of Male Breast
Breast Cancer, Invasive Ductal
Breast Cancer, Protection Against
Breast Cancer, Somatic
Breast Cancer, Male
Breast Cancer, Lobular, Somatic
Breast Tumor
Mammary Cancer
Mammary Tumor
Malignant Neoplasm Of Male Breast
Mammary Carcinoma
Male Breast Carcinoma
Familial Cancer Of Breast
Invasive Ductal Breast Carcinoma
Breast Cancer Susceptibility
Breast Cancer, Male, Susceptibility To
Breast Cancer, Early-Onset, Susceptibility To
Malignant Tumor Of The Breast
Mammary Neoplasm
Primary Breast Cancer
Neoplasm Of Male Breast
Carcinoma Of Breast
Breast Cancer In Men
Familial Breast Cancer
Cancer Of Breast
Breast Cancer Familial
Breast Cancer Familial Male
Breast Cancer, Familial Male
Breast Male Carcinoma
Breast Neoplasms
Breast Neoplasms, Male
Mammary Tumors
Mammary Carcinomas
Cancer, Breast
Cancer, Breast, Susceptibility
Invasive Breast Ductal Carcinoma
Breast Neoplasm
Susceptibility To Breast Cancer
Mammary Neoplasms
Animal Mammary Neoplasms
Primary Malignant Neoplasm Of Breast
Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma Of Breast
Infiltrating Duct Carcinoma Of Unspecified Site
Infiltrating Ductular Carcinoma Of Unspecified Site
Invasive Breast Carcinoma Of No Special Type
Microinvasive Carcinoma Of Breast
Carcinoma With Apocrine Differentiation
Bap1 Tumor Predisposition Syndrome |
Bap1-Related Tumor Predisposition Syndrome
Common Syndrome
Bap1 Cancer Syndrome
Cutaneous/Ocular Melanoma, Atypical Melanocytic Proliferations, And Other Internal Neoplasms
Tumor Predisposition Syndrome
Tumor Susceptibility Linked To Germline Bap1 Mutations
Cutaneous/Ocular Melanoma, Atypical Melanocytic Proliferations, Other Internal Neoplasms
Tumor Predisposition
Ovarian Cancer |
Ovarian Carcinoma
Ovarian Neoplasm
Malignant Tumour Of Ovary
Cancer Of The Ovary
Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
Neoplasm Of Ovary
Ovarian Neoplasms
Ovarian Cancers
Malignant Neoplasm Of Ovary
Primary Malignant Neoplasm Of Ovary
Ovarian Cancer, Somatic
Malignant Ovarian Tumor
Ovary Neoplasm
Primary Ovarian Cancer
Tumor Of The Ovary
Malignant Neoplasm Of The Ovary
Malignant Tumor Of The Ovary
Ovarian Malignant Tumor
Ovarian Carcinomas
Cancer, Ovarian
Cancer Of Ovary
Ovary Cancer
Ca Ovary
Inherited Cancer-Predisposing Syndrome |
Hereditary Cancer-Predisposing Syndrome
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis |
Adenomatous Polyposis Coli
Familial Polyposis Coli
Familial Multiple Polyposis Syndrome
Adenomatous Polyposis Of The Colon
Familial Intestinal Polyposis
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis Of The Colon
Familial Multiple Polyposis
Familial Polyposis Of The Colon
Hereditary Polyposis Coli
Polyposis, Adenomatous Intestinal
Adenomatous Familial Polyposis
Adenomatous Familial Polyposis Syndrome
Myh-Associated Polyposis
Colorectal Adenomatous Polyposis
Adenomatous Polyposis, Familial
Mutyh-Associate Polyposis
Colonic Benign Neoplasm |
Colon Neoplasm
Colonic Mass
Colonic Tumor
Neoplasm Of Colon
Neoplasm Of The Colon
Colonic Neoplasms
Colon Cancer
Colon Carcinoma Nos
Colonic Cancer
Metastatic Colon Cancer Nos
Muir-Torre Syndrome |
Muir-Torré Syndrome
Cutaneous Sebaceous Neoplasms And Keratoacanthomas, Multiple, With Gastrointestinal And Other Carcinomas
Cutaneous Sebaceous Neoplasms And Keratoacanthomas Multiple With Gastrointestinal And Other Carcinomas
Multiple Keratoacanthoma, Muir-Torre Type
Torre-Muir Syndrome
Lynch Syndrome |
Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colon Cancer
Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer
Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Carcinoma
Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Neoplasms
Familial Nonpolyposis Colon Cancer
Coca 1
Hereditary Defective Mismatch Repair Syndrome
Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colon Cancer
Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colon Cancer Syndrome
Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colorectal Cancer
Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colorectal Cancer Syndrome
Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colon Cancer Syndrome
Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer Syndrome
Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Neoplasm
Hnpcc - Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colon Cancer
Cancer Family Syndrome
Familial Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer
Colon Cancer, Familial Nonpolyposis
Colorectal Neoplasms, Hereditary Nonpolyposis
Cancer, Colorectal, Nonpolyposis, Hereditary
Colorectal Cancer, Hereditary Nonpolyposis, Type 1
Polyposis Syndrome, Hereditary Mixed, 1 |
Colorectal Adenoma And Carcinoma 1
Colorectal Cancer 4
Chromosome 15q13-Q14 Duplication Syndrome, 40-Kb
Colorectal Cancer, Susceptibility To, 4
Hereditary Mixed Polyposis Syndrome 1
Polyposis Syndrome, Hereditary Mixed 1
Susceptibility To Colorectal Cancer On Chromosome 15
Polyposis Syndrome, Mixed Hereditary 1
Adenomatous Polyps
Hereditary Breast Ovarian Cancer Syndrome |
Hereditary Breast And Ovarian Cancer Syndrome
Brca1- And Brca2-Associated Hereditary Breast And Ovarian Cancer
Breast And/Or Ovarian Cancer
Breast And Ovarian Cancer Syndrome
Hboc Syndrome
Hereditary Breast And Ovarian Cancer
Brca1- Brca2-Associated Hboc
Adenoma |
Acinar Cell Adenoma
Acinic Cell Adenoma
Rectosigmoid Cancer |
Rectosigmoid Junction Cancer
Malignant Neoplasm Of Rectosigmoid Junction
Malignant Neoplasm Of Rectosigmoid
Malignant Rectosigmoid Tumor
Malignant Tumor Of Rectosigmoid Junction
Rectum Cancer |
Malignant Neoplasm Of Rectum
Rectal Cancer
Cancer Of Rectum
Carcinoma Of Rectum
Carcinoma Of The Rectum
Malignant Rectal Tumor
Malignant Rectum Tumor
Malignant Tumor Of Rectum
Rectal Carcinoma
Rectal Cancers
Cancer, Rectal
Hereditary Mixed Polyposis Syndrome |
Cowden Syndrome 1 |
Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba Syndrome
Pten Hamartoma Tumor Syndrome
Lhermitte-Duclos Disease
Bannayan-Zonana Syndrome
Riley-Smith Syndrome
Ruvalcaba-Myhre-Smith Syndrome
Multiple Hamartoma Syndrome
Dysplastic Gangliocytoma Of The Cerebellum
Pten Hamartoma Tumor Syndrome With Granular Cell Tumor
Macrocephaly Multiple Lipomas And Hemangiomata
Bannayan-Ruvalcaba-Riley Syndrome
Myhre-Riley-Smith Syndrome
Cerebelloparenchymal Disorder Vi
Hamartoma Syndrome, Multiple
Macrocephaly, Pseudopapilledema, And Multiple Hemangiomata
Macrocephaly, Multiple Lipomas, And Hemangiomata
Macrocephaly Pseudopapilledema And Multiple Hemangiomas
Ruvalcaba -Myhre-Smith Syndrome
Ruvalcaba-Myhre Syndrome
Cowden Disease
Macrocephaly Pseudopapilledema And Multiple Hemangiomata
Cerebellar Granule Cell Hypertrophy And Megalencephaly
Pten Hamartoma Tumor Syndromes
Cowden Syndrome, Type 1
Small Intestine Cancer |
Small Intestine Carcinoma
Cancer Of The Small Bowel
Small Bowel Cancer
Small Intestinal Carcinoma
Malignant Neoplasms Of The Small Intestine
Small Bowel Tumors
Malignant Tumor Of Small Intestine
Neoplasm Of Small Intestine
Colorectal Adenoma |
Colorectal Adenomas
Adenoma Of Large Intestine
Juvenile Polyposis Syndrome |
Juvenile Intestinal Polyposis
Juvenile Gastrointestinal Polyposis
Juvenile Polyposis
Polyposis, Juvenile Intestinal
Polyposis, Familial, Of Entire Gastrointestinal Tract
Polyposis Familial Of Entire Gastrointestinal Tract
Polyposis Juvenile Intestinal
Polyposis Syndrome, Juvenile
Periampullary Adenoma |
Sebaceous Gland Neoplasm |
Sebaceous Gland Neoplasms
Sebaceous Neoplasm
Neuroma |
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis 3 |
Nthl1-Related Attenuated Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Nthl1-Related Afap
Nthl1-Related Attenuated Fap
Colorectal Cancer, Hereditary Nonpolyposis, Type 6 |
Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer Type 6
Colon Cancer, Hereditary Nonpolyposis, Type 6
Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colorectal Cancer 6
Cancer, Colorectal, Nonpolyposis, Hereditary, Type 6
Mismatch Repair Cancer Syndrome |
Turcot Syndrome
Brain Tumor-Polyposis Syndrome 1
Btp1 Syndrome
Childhood Cancer Syndrome
Cmmr-D Syndrome
Constitutional Mismatch Repair Deficiency Syndrome
Mmr Deficiency
Cancer Syndrome, Mismatch Repair
Malignant Childhood Neoplasm
Sebaceous Adenoma |
Adenoma Of The Sebaceous Gland
Skin Appendage Sebaceous Adenoma
Gastric Body Carcinoma |
Cancer Of Body Of Stomach
Carcinoma Of Body Of Stomach
Desmoid Tumor |
Aggressive Fibromatosis
Desmoid Type Fibromatosis
Familial Infiltrative Fibromatosis
Desmoid Disorder, Hereditary
Fibromatosis, Familial Infiltrative
Deep Fibromatosis
Desmoid Fibromatosis
Hereditary Desmoid Disease
Musculoaponeurotic Fibromatosis
Desmoid-Type Fibromatosis
Fibromatosis, Aggressive
Desmoid Disease, Hereditary
Musculo-Aponeurotic Fibromatosis
Intestinal Benign Neoplasm |
Intestinal Neoplasms
Intestinal Tumors
Intestine Growth
Neoplasm Of Intestinal Tract
Jejunal Cancer |
Jejunal Neoplasms
Malignant Neoplasm Of Jejunum
Malignant Tumor Of Jejunum
Jejunal Adenocarcinoma |
Gastrointestinal Adenoma |
Gi Adenoma
Digestive System Adenoma
Diffuse Gastric And Lobular Breast Cancer Syndrome |
Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer
Familial Diffuse Gastric Cancer
Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Adenocarcinoma
Breast Cancer, Lobular
Gastric Cancer, Familial Diffuse, And Cleft Lip With Or Without Cleft Palate
Gastric Cancer, Hereditary Diffuse
Gastric Cancer, Familial Diffuse Breast Cancer, Lobular
Diffuse Gastric And Lobular Breast Cancer Syndrome With Or Without Cleft Lip And/Or Palate
E-Cadherin-Associated Hereditary Gastric Cancer
Familial Diffuse Cancer Of Stomach
Hereditary Diffuse Cancer Of Stomach
Gastric Cancer Familial Diffuse
Gastric Cancer Familial Diffuse And Cleft Lip With Or Without Cleft Palate
Cancer, Gastric, Hereditary Diffuse
Cowden Syndrome |
Cowden Disease
Multiple Hamartoma Syndrome
Cowden'S Disease
Lhermitte-Duclos Disease
Dysplastic Gangliocytoma Of Cerebellum
Cowden'S Syndrome
Hamartoma Syndrome, Multiple
Duodenum Cancer |
Duodenal Cancer
Duodenal Neoplasms
Cancer Of Duodenum
Duodenal Neoplasm
Duodenal Carcinoma
Cancer, Duodenal
Malignant Neoplasm Of Duodenum
Villous Adenoma |
Adenoma Villous
Adenoma, Villous
Gastrointestinal System Benign Neoplasm |
Duodenum Adenocarcinoma |
Arthrogryposis, Distal, Type 7 |
Hecht Syndrome
Trismus-Pseudocamptodactyly Syndrome
Distal Arthrogryposis Type 7
Dutch-Kentucky Syndrome
Hecht-Beals Syndrome
Mouth, Inability To Open Completely, And Short Finger-Flexor Tendons
Mouth, Inability To Completely Open, And Short Finger-Flexor Tendons
Arthrogryposis Distal Type 7
Trismus Pseudocamptodactyly Syndrome
Arthrogryposis, Distal, 7
Diffuse Gastric Cancer |
Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Adenocarcinoma
Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer
Signet Cell Adenocarcinoma
Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma
Signet Ring Cell Gastric Carcinoma
Signet Ring Gastric Carcinoma
Familial Diffuse Cancer Of Stomach
Familial Diffuse Gastric Cancer
Gastric Cancer, Familial Diffuse
Gastric Cancer, Hereditary Diffuse
Hereditary Diffuse Cancer Of Stomach
Diffuse Gastric Cancer Syndrome
Cancer, Gastric, Diffuse
Carcinoma, Signet Ring Cell
Gastric Signet Ring Carcinoma
Arthrogryposis, Distal, Type 2b3 |
Distal Arthrogryposis Type 2b3
Arthrogryposis, Distal, 2b3
Duodenum Disease |
Duodenal Diseases
Duodenal Disease
Duodenum Disorder
Li-Fraumeni Syndrome |
Sarcoma Family Syndrome Of Li And Fraumeni
Sbla Syndrome
Li-Fraumeni Familiar Cancer Susceptibility Syndrome
Sarcoma, Breast, Leukaemia And Adrenal Gland Syndrome
Li Fraumeni Syndrome
Sarcoma, Breast, Leukemia, And Adrenal Gland Syndrome
Sbla Syndrome Li-Fraumeni-Like Syndrome
Li-Fraumeni Syndrome 1
Polyposis Syndrome, Hereditary Mixed, 2 |
Hereditary Mixed Polyposis Syndrome 2
Polyposis Syndrome, Mixed Hereditary 2
Polyposis Syndrome, Hereditary Mixed, Type 2
Parkinson Disease 2, Autosomal Recessive Juvenile |
Young-Onset Parkinson Disease
Autosomal Recessive Juvenile Parkinson Disease 2
Parkinson Disease, Juvenile, Type 2
Parkinson'S Disease 2
Autosomal Recessive Juvenile Parkinson Disease
Early-Onset Parkinson Disease
Parkinson Disease 2
Parkinson Disease, Juvenile, Autosomal Recessive
Parkinsonism, Early-Onset, With Diurnal Fluctuation
Autosomal Recessive Juvenile Parkinson'S Disease 2
Juvenile Parkinsonism
Parkinson Disease Autosomal Recessive, Early Onset
Parkinsonism, Early Onset, With Diurnal Fluctuation
Autosomal Recessive Early-Onset Parkinson Disease Type 2
Chromosome 6-Linked Autosomal Recessive Parkinsonism
Early-Onset Parkinsonism With Diurnal Fluctuation
Parkinsonism Young Adult Onset
Parkinson Disease, Type 2
Parkinsonism, Juvenile
Xeroderma Pigmentosum, Variant Type |
Xeroderma Pigmentosum
Xeroderma Pigmentosum Variant Type
Xeroderma Pigmentosum With Normal Dna Repair Rates
Photosensitivity With Defective Dna Synthesis
De Sanctis-Cacchione Syndrome
Desanctis-Cacchione Syndrome
Xeroderma Pigmentosa
Xerodermic Idiocy
Xeroderma Pigmentosum Variant
Xp - [Xeroderma Pigmentosum]
Atrophoderma Pigmentosum
Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group A |
Fanconi Anemia
Fanconi Pancytopenia
Fanconi Anemia Complementation Group A
Fanconi Panmyelopathy
Fanconi'S Anemia
Fanconi Anaemia
Fanconi'S Anaemia
Fanconi Hypoplastic Anemia
Estren-Dameshek Variant Of Fanconi Anemia
Estren-Dameshek Variant Of Fanconi Pancytopenia
Fanconi Anemia Estren-Dameshek Variant
Fanconis Anemia