1. Academic Validation
  2. Epidemiology and pathogenesis of Bacillus cereus infections

Epidemiology and pathogenesis of Bacillus cereus infections

  • Microbes Infect. 2000 Feb;2(2):189-98. doi: 10.1016/s1286-4579(00)00269-0.
A Kotiranta 1 K Lounatmaa M Haapasalo


  • 1 Institute of Dentistry, P.O. Box 41, FIN-00014, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.

Bacillus cereus is a causative agent in both gastrointestinal and in nongastrointestinal infections. Enterotoxins, emetic toxin (cereulide), hemolysins, and phoshpolipase C as well as many Enzymes such as beta-lactamases, proteases and collagenases are known as potential virulence factors of B. cereus. A special surface structure of B. cereus cells, the S-layer, has a significant role in the adhesion to host cells, in phagocytosis and in increased radiation resistance. Interest in B. cereus has been growing lately because it seems that B. cereus-related diseases, in particular food poisonings, are growing in number.
