1. Academic Validation
  2. The WASP-binding protein WIRE has a role in the regulation of the actin filament system downstream of the platelet-derived growth factor receptor

The WASP-binding protein WIRE has a role in the regulation of the actin filament system downstream of the platelet-derived growth factor receptor

  • Exp Cell Res. 2002 Sep 10;279(1):21-33. doi: 10.1006/excr.2002.5576.
Pontus Aspenström 1


  • 1 Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Biomedical Center, Box 595, S-751 24, Uppsala, Sweden. pontus.aspenstrom@LICT.uu.se

Activation of growth factor receptors, such as platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptors, has a major impact on the motile behavior of vertebrate cells. The WASP family of proteins has been recognized as important regulators of actin polymerization via the activation of the Arp2/3 complex. The activity of the WASP proteins has, in turn, been shown to be governed by a number of associated proteins, including the WASP interacting protein (WIP). This report presents a novel WIP-like protein, WIRE (for WIP-related). WIRE was shown to bind to the WH1 domain of WASP and N-WASP. WIRE was localized to actin filaments in transiently transfected PAE/PDGFRbeta cells, and in cells simultaneously expressing WIRE and WASP, WIRE relocalized WASP to actin filaments, a relocalization that required direct interaction between the two proteins. In addition, WIRE was able to bind the PDGF receptor substrate Nckbeta. PDGF treatment of cells ectopically expressing WIRE resulted in formation of peripheral protrusions composed of filopodia and lamellipodia-like structures. In cells expressing both WIRE and WASP, PDGF treatment induced a translocation of WASP to the cell margin, an effect that required the presence of WIRE. Taken together, the data presented indicate that WIRE has a role in the WASP-mediated organization of the actin Cytoskeleton and that WIRE is a potential link between the activated PDGF receptor and the actin polymerization machinery.
