1. Academic Validation
  2. Golgin tethers define subpopulations of COPI vesicles

Golgin tethers define subpopulations of COPI vesicles

  • Science. 2005 Feb 18;307(5712):1095-8. doi: 10.1126/science.1108061.
Jörg Malsam 1 Ayano Satoh Laurence Pelletier Graham Warren


  • 1 Department of Cell Biology, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Yale University School of Medicine, 333 Cedar Street, New Haven, CT 06520-8002, USA.

Coiled-coil proteins of the golgin family have been implicated in intra-Golgi transport through tethering coat protein complex I (COPI) vesicles. The p115-golgin tether is the best studied, and here we characterize the golgin-84-CASP tether. The vesicles bound by this tether were strikingly different from those bound by the p115-golgin tether in that they lacked members of the p24 family of putative cargo receptors and contained Enzymes instead of anterograde cargo. Microinjected golgin-84 or CASP also inhibited Golgi-enzyme transport to the endoplasmic reticulum, further implicating this tether in retrograde transport. These and Other golgins may modulate the flow patterns within the Golgi stack.
