1. Academic Validation
  2. Aspartylglucosaminuria: cDNA encoding human aspartylglucosaminidase and the missense mutation causing the disease

Aspartylglucosaminuria: cDNA encoding human aspartylglucosaminidase and the missense mutation causing the disease

  • EMBO J. 1991 Jan;10(1):51-8. doi: 10.1002/j.1460-2075.1991.tb07920.x.
E Ikonen 1 M Baumann K Grön A C Syvänen N Enomaa R Halila P Aula L Peltonen


  • 1 National Public Health Institute, Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, Helsinki, Finland.

We have isolated a 2.1 kb cDNA which encodes human aspartylglucosaminidase (AGA, E.C. The activity of this lysosomal Enzyme is deficient in aspartylglucosaminuria (AGU), a recessively inherited lysosomal accumulation disease resulting in severe mental retardation. The polypeptide chain deduced from the AGA cDNA consists of 346 Amino acids, has two potential N-glycosylation sites and 11 cysteine residues. Transient expression of this cDNA in COS-1 cells resulted in increased expression of immunoprecipitable AGA protein. Direct Sequencing of amplified AGA cDNA from an AGU patient revealed a G----C transition resulting in the substitution of cysteine 163 with serine. This mutation was subsequently found in all the 20 analyzed Finnish AGU patients, in the heterozygous form in all 53 carriers and in none of 67 control individuals, suggesting that it represents the major AGU causing mutation enriched in this isolated population. Since the mutation produces a change in the predicted flexibility of the AGA polypeptide chain and removes an intramolecular S-S bridge, it most probably explains the deficient Enzyme activity found in cells and tissues of AGU patients.
