1. Academic Validation
  2. A central role for the peroxisomal membrane in glyoxylate cycle function

A central role for the peroxisomal membrane in glyoxylate cycle function

  • Biochim Biophys Acta. 2006 Dec;1763(12):1441-52. doi: 10.1016/j.bbamcr.2006.09.009.
Markus Kunze 1 Itsara Pracharoenwattana Steven M Smith Andreas Hartig


  • 1 Institute for Brain Research, Medical University of Vienna, Spitalgasse 4, 1090 Vienna, Austria. markus.kunze@meduniwien.ac.at

The glyoxylate cycle provides the means to convert C2-units to C4-precursors for biosynthesis, allowing growth on fatty acids and C2-compounds. The conventional view that the glyoxylate cycle is contained within peroxisomes in fungi and Plants is no longer valid. Glyoxylate cycle Enzymes are located both inside and outside the peroxisome. Thus, the operation of the glyoxylate cycle requires transport of several intermediates across the peroxisomal membrane. Glyoxylate cycle progression is also dependent upon Mitochondrial Metabolism. An understanding of the operation and regulation of the glyoxylate cycle, and its integration with cellular metabolism, will require further investigation of the participating metabolite transporters in the peroxisomal membrane.
