1. Academic Validation
  2. Interaction with the IQ3 motif of myosin-10 is required for calmodulin-like protein-dependent filopodial extension

Interaction with the IQ3 motif of myosin-10 is required for calmodulin-like protein-dependent filopodial extension

  • FEBS Lett. 2008 Jul 9;582(16):2377-81. doi: 10.1016/j.febslet.2008.05.051.
Richard D Bennett 1 Ariel J Caride Amy S Mauer Emanuel E Strehler


  • 1 Cell Biology and Genetics Program, Mayo Graduate School, Rochester, MN 55905, USA.

Calmodulin-like protein (CLP) is a specific light chain of unconventional myosin-10 (Myo10) and enhances Myo10-dependent filopodial extension. Here we show that phenylalanine-795 in the third IQ domain (IQ3) of Myo10 is critical for CLP binding. Remarkably, mutation of F795 to alanine had little effect on Calmodulin binding to IQ3. Fluorescence microscopy and time-lapse video microscopy showed that HeLa cells expressing CLP and transiently transfected with GFP-Myo10-F795A exhibited significantly shorter filopodia and decreased intrafilopodial motility compared to wildtype GFP-Myo10-transfected cells. Thus, F795 represents a unique anchor for CLP and is essential for CLP-mediated Myo10 function in filopodial extension and motility.
