1. Academic Validation
  2. The CatSper channel mediates progesterone-induced Ca2+ influx in human sperm

The CatSper channel mediates progesterone-induced Ca2+ influx in human sperm

  • Nature. 2011 Mar 17;471(7338):382-6. doi: 10.1038/nature09769.
Timo Strünker 1 Normann Goodwin Christoph Brenker Nachiket D Kashikar Ingo Weyand Reinhard Seifert U Benjamin Kaupp


  • 1 Center of Advanced European Studies and Research, Abteilung Molekulare Neurosensorik, Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 2, 53175 Bonn, Germany. timo.struenker@caesar.de

In the oviduct, cumulus cells that surround the oocyte release progesterone. In human sperm, progesterone stimulates a CA(2+) increase by a non-genomic mechanism. The CA(2+) signal has been proposed to control chemotaxis, hyperactivation and acrosomal exocytosis of sperm. However, the underlying signalling mechanism has remained mysterious. Here we show that progesterone activates the sperm-specific, pH-sensitive CatSper CA(2+) channel. We found that both progesterone and alkaline pH stimulate a rapid CA(2+) influx with almost no latency, incompatible with a signalling pathway involving metabotropic receptors and second messengers. The CA(2+) signals evoked by alkaline pH and progesterone are inhibited by the CA(v) channel blockers NNC 55-0396 and mibefradil. Patch-clamp recordings from sperm reveal an alkaline-activated current carried by mono- and divalent ions that exhibits all the hallmarks of sperm-specific CatSper CA(2+) channels. Progesterone substantially enhances the CatSper current. The alkaline- and progesterone-activated CatSper current is inhibited by both drugs. Our results resolve a long-standing controversy over the non-genomic progesterone signalling. In human sperm, either the CatSper channel itself or an associated protein serves as the non-genomic Progesterone Receptor. The identification of CatSper channel blockers will greatly facilitate the study of CA(2+) signalling in sperm and help to define further the physiological role of progesterone and CatSper.
