1. Academic Validation
  2. Update of PAX2 mutations in renal coloboma syndrome and establishment of a locus-specific database

Update of PAX2 mutations in renal coloboma syndrome and establishment of a locus-specific database

  • Hum Mutat. 2012 Mar;33(3):457-66. doi: 10.1002/humu.22020.
Matthew Bower 1 Rémi Salomon Judith Allanson Corinne Antignac Francesco Benedicenti Elisa Benetti Gil Binenbaum Uffe B Jensen Pierre Cochat Stephane DeCramer Joanne Dixon Regen Drouin Marni J Falk Holly Feret Robert Gise Alasdair Hunter Kisha Johnson Rajiv Kumar Marie Pierre Lavocat Laura Martin Vincent Morinière David Mowat Luisa Murer Hiep T Nguyen Gabriela Peretz-Amit Eric Pierce Emily Place Nancy Rodig Ann Salerno Sujatha Sastry Tadashi Sato John A Sayer Gerard C P Schaafsma Lawrence Shoemaker David W Stockton Wen-Hann Tan Romano Tenconi Philippe Vanhille Abhay Vats Xinjing Wang Berta Warman Richard G Weleber Susan M White Carolyn Wilson-Brackett Dina J Zand Michael Eccles Lisa A Schimmenti Laurence Heidet


  • 1 Division of Genetics and Metabolism, University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. mbower1@fairview.org

Renal coloboma syndrome, also known as papillorenal syndrome is an autosomal-dominant disorder characterized by ocular and renal malformations. Mutations in the paired-box gene, PAX2, have been identified in approximately half of individuals with classic findings of renal hypoplasia/dysplasia and abnormalities of the optic nerve. Prior to 2011, there was no actively maintained locus-specific database (LSDB) cataloguing the extent of genetic variation in the PAX2 gene and phenotypic variation in individuals with renal coloboma syndrome. Review of published cases and the collective diagnostic experience of three laboratories in the United States, France, and New Zealand identified 55 unique mutations in 173 individuals from 86 families. The three clinical laboratories participating in this collaboration contributed 28 novel variations in 68 individuals in 33 families, which represent a 50% increase in the number of variations, patients, and families published in the medical literature. An LSDB was created using the Leiden Open Variation Database platform: www.lovd.nl/PAX2. The most common findings reported in this series were abnormal renal structure or function (92% of individuals), ophthalmological abnormalities (77% of individuals), and hearing loss (7% of individuals). Additional clinical findings and genetic counseling implications are discussed.
