1. Academic Validation
  2. Role of 5-HT5A receptors in the consolidation of memory

Role of 5-HT5A receptors in the consolidation of memory

  • Behav Brain Res. 2013 Sep 1:252:246-51. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2013.05.051.
Roberto Gonzalez 1 Karla Chávez-Pascacio Alfredo Meneses


  • 1 Dept Pharmacobiol CINVESTAV-IPN, México City, 14330, México.

5-HT5 receptor occurs in brain areas implicated in learning and memory. Hence, the effects (0.01-3.0 mg/kg) of SB-6995516 (a 5-HT5A receptor antagonist) in the associative learning task of autoshaping were studied. The results showed that post-training injection of SB-699551 decreased conditioned responses (CR) during short-term (STM; 1.5h; at 0.1mg/kg) and long-term memory (LTM; 24 h; at 3.0 mg/kg) relative to the vehicle Animals. Moreover, considering that there are no selective 5-HT5A receptor agonists, next, diverse doses of the serotonin precursor l-tryptophan were studied during STM and LTM, showing that l-tryptophan (5-100mg/kg) facilitated performance, particularly at 50mg/kg. In interactions experiments, l-tryptophan (50 mg/kg) attenuated the impairment effect induced by SB-699551 (either 0.3 or 3.0 mg/kg). All together this evidence suggests that the blockade of 5-HT5A receptor appear to be able to impair STM and LTM (24 h), while its stimulation might facilitate it. Of course further investigation is necessary, meanly with selective 5-HT5A compounds are necessary.


5-HT Receptors; Autoshaping; Learning rat.
