1. Academic Validation
  2. The coiled-coil domain containing protein CCDC151 is required for the function of IFT-dependent motile cilia in animals

The coiled-coil domain containing protein CCDC151 is required for the function of IFT-dependent motile cilia in animals

  • Hum Mol Genet. 2014 Feb 1;23(3):563-77. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddt445.
Julie Jerber 1 Dominique Baas Fabien Soulavie Brigitte Chhin Elisabeth Cortier Christine Vesque Joëlle Thomas Bénédicte Durand


  • 1 Centre de Génétique et de Physiologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire, UMR 5534 CNRS, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Villeurbanne 69622, France.

Cilia are evolutionarily conserved organelles endowed with essential physiological and developmental functions. In humans, disruption of cilia motility or signaling leads to complex pleiotropic genetic disorders called ciliopathies. Cilia motility requires the assembly of multi-subunit motile components such as dynein arms, but mechanisms underlying their assembly pathway and transport into the axoneme are still largely unknown. We identified a previously uncharacterized coiled-coil domain containing protein CCDC151, which is evolutionarily conserved in motile ciliated species and shares ancient features with the outer dynein arm-docking complex 2 of Chlamydomonas. In Drosophila, we show that CG14127/CCDC151 is associated with motile intraflagellar transport (IFT)-dependent cilia and required for geotaxis behavior of adult flies. In zebrafish, Ccdc151 is expressed in tissues with motile cilia, and morpholino-induced depletion of Ccdc151 leads to left-right asymmetry defects and kidney cysts. We demonstrate that Ccdc151 is required for proper motile function of cilia in the Kupffer's vesicle and in the pronephros by controlling dynein arm assembly, showing that Ccdc151 is a novel player in the control of IFT-dependent dynein arm assembly in Animals. However, we observed that CCDC151 is also implicated in Other cellular functions in vertebrates. In zebrafish, ccdc151 is involved in proper orientation of cell divisions in the pronephros and genetically interacts with prickle1 in this process. Furthermore, knockdown experiments in mammalian cells demonstrate that CCDC151 is implicated in the regulation of primary cilium length. Hence, CCDC151 is required for motile cilia function in Animals but has acquired additional non-motile functions in vertebrates.
