1. Academic Validation
  2. Development of an LC-MS/MS method for the analysis of free sphingoid bases using 4-fluoro-7-nitrobenzofurazan (NBD-F)

Development of an LC-MS/MS method for the analysis of free sphingoid bases using 4-fluoro-7-nitrobenzofurazan (NBD-F)

  • Lipids. 2014 Mar;49(3):295-304. doi: 10.1007/s11745-013-3871-6.
Toshiki Ishikawa 1 Hiroyuki Imai Kawai-Yamada Maki


  • 1 Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University, 255 Shimo-Okubo, Sakura-ku, Saitama, 338-8570, Japan.

The molecular species of sphingoid Bases were tagged with the fluorescent amino group reagent, 4-fluoro-7-nitrobenzofurazan (NBD-F). The NBD-sphingoid Bases were analyzed by a highly selective and sensitive liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS) technique capable of reliable detection of several fmol of the derivatives. Lipid extracts from plant samples were derivatized with NBD-F, and all nine species of free sphingoid Bases present in plant sphingolipids were separated and quantified for the first time; a complete baseline resolution was achieved for cis-8 and trans-8 isomers of sphingoid Bases by reversed phase HPLC on a C18 column. The extraction and derivatization procedures and LC-MS/MS method can facilitate the progress of the studies for seeking the active components of sphingoid Bases species in response to biological challenges.
