1. Academic Validation
  2. Microtubule minus-end stabilization by polymerization-driven CAMSAP deposition

Microtubule minus-end stabilization by polymerization-driven CAMSAP deposition

  • Dev Cell. 2014 Feb 10;28(3):295-309. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2014.01.001.
Kai Jiang 1 Shasha Hua 1 Renu Mohan 1 Ilya Grigoriev 1 Kah Wai Yau 1 Qingyang Liu 2 Eugene A Katrukha 1 A F Maarten Altelaar 3 Albert J R Heck 3 Casper C Hoogenraad 1 Anna Akhmanova 4


  • 1 Cell Biology, Faculty of Science, Utrecht University, Padualaan 8, 3584 Utrecht, the Netherlands.
  • 2 Cell Biology, Faculty of Science, Utrecht University, Padualaan 8, 3584 Utrecht, the Netherlands; Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics, Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research, Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences and The Netherlands Proteomics Centre, Utrecht University, Padualaan 8, 3584 Utrecht, the Netherlands.
  • 3 Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics, Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research, Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences and The Netherlands Proteomics Centre, Utrecht University, Padualaan 8, 3584 Utrecht, the Netherlands.
  • 4 Cell Biology, Faculty of Science, Utrecht University, Padualaan 8, 3584 Utrecht, the Netherlands. Electronic address: a.akhmanova@uu.nl.

Microtubules are cytoskeletal Polymers with two structurally and functionally distinct ends, the plus- and the minus-end. Here, we focus on the mechanisms underlying the regulation of microtubule minus-ends by the CAMSAP/Nezha/Patronin protein family. We show that CAMSAP2 is required for the proper organization and stabilization of interphase microtubules and directional cell migration. By combining live-cell imaging and in vitro reconstitution of microtubule assembly from purified components with laser microsurgery, we demonstrate that CAMSAPs regulate microtubule minus-end growth and are specifically deposited on the lattice formed by microtubule minus-end polymerization. This process leads to the formation of CAMSAP-decorated microtubule stretches, which are stabilized from both ends and serve as sites of noncentrosomal microtubule outgrowth. The length of the stretches is regulated by the microtubule-severing protein katanin, which interacts with CAMSAPs. Our data thus indicate that microtubule minus-end assembly drives the stabilization of noncentrosomal microtubules and that katanin regulates this process.
