1. Academic Validation
  2. Cytochrome P-450 hPCN3, a novel cytochrome P-450 IIIA gene product that is differentially expressed in adult human liver. cDNA and deduced amino acid sequence and distinct specificities of cDNA-expressed hPCN1 and hPCN3 for the metabolism of steroid hormones and cyclosporine

Cytochrome P-450 hPCN3, a novel cytochrome P-450 IIIA gene product that is differentially expressed in adult human liver. cDNA and deduced amino acid sequence and distinct specificities of cDNA-expressed hPCN1 and hPCN3 for the metabolism of steroid hormones and cyclosporine

  • J Biol Chem. 1989 Jun 25;264(18):10388-95.
T Aoyama 1 S Yamano D J Waxman D P Lapenson U A Meyer V Fischer R Tyndale T Inaba W Kalow H V Gelboin


  • 1 Laboratory of Molecular Carcinogenesis, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland 20892.
PMID: 2732228

Immunoblotting analysis of human liver microsome preparations revealed that human cytochrome P-450 PCN1 (hPCN1, Mr approximately 52,000) was expressed in each of 40 individual specimens examined. In about 10-20% of the livers, an immunologically related protein having a lower electrophoretic mobility (Mr approximately 52,500) was also detected. A single liver was found that expressed only the lower mobility protein, designated hPCN3, and RNA isolated from this liver was used to construct a lambda gt11 library. The library was screened with an hPCN1 cDNA probe resulting in the isolation of a unique full-length cDNA that was sequenced and shown to encode hPCN3. The deduced amino acid sequence of this cDNA contained 502 residues, a calculated molecular mass of 57,115 daltons, and displayed 84% similarity with hPCN1. The deduced amino-terminal sequence of hPCN3 was identical to that of HFLa, a major cytochrome P-450 expressed in human fetal liver that is immunologically cross-reactive with several family III cytochrome P-450s. hPCN1 and hPCN3 cDNAs were expressed in Hep G2 cells using a vaccinia virus expression system and shown to encode active Enzymes, both characterized by reduced CO-binding spectra with lambda max at 450 nm. Enzymatic analysis revealed that both cytochrome P-450s were similarly active in catalyzing oxidation of the Calcium Channel blocking drug nifedipine. Both Enzymes also catalyzed 6 beta-hydroxylation of the steroid Hormones testosterone, progesterone, and androstenedione, although hPCN1 exhibited several-fold higher expressed activity than hPCN3. Several minor oxidation products of these Steroids (e.g. 15 beta-hydroxytestosterone), comprising up to approximately 20% of the total metabolites, were formed by hPCN1 but not hPCN3, indicating that hPCN3 is a more highly regiospecific monooxygenase catalyst with steroid substrates. Clear differences were also detected in their catalytic activities toward the immunosuppressive drug cyclosporine, with two hydroxylated metabolites (M1 and M17) and one demethylated metabolite (M21) formed by hPCN1 but only one metabolite (M1) formed by hPCN3. These studies establish that hPCN3 is a newly described cytochrome P-450 that is differentially expressed in the adult human population and that has overlapping substrate specificity compared to hPCN1 for metabolism of steroid and drug substrates.
