1. Academic Validation
  2. Effects of 5-HT5A receptor blockade on amnesia or forgetting

Effects of 5-HT5A receptor blockade on amnesia or forgetting

  • Behav Brain Res. 2019 Jan 14:357-358:98-103. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2018.01.009.
L Aparicio-Nava 1 L A Márquez-García 1 A Meneses 2


  • 1 Depto. de Farmacobiología, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico City, Mexico.
  • 2 Depto. de Farmacobiología, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico City, Mexico. Electronic address: ameneses@msn.com.

Previously the effects (0.01-3.0 mg/kg) of post-training SB-699551 (a 5-HT5A receptor antagonist) were reported in the associative learning task of autoshaping, showing that SB-699551 (0.1 mg/kg) decreased lever-press conditioned responses (CR) during short-term (STM; 1.5-h) or (3.0 mg/kg) long-term memory (LTM; 24-h); relative to the vehicle Animals. Moreover, as pro-cognitive efficacy of SB-699551 was reported in the ketamine-model of schizophrenia. Hence, firstly aiming improving performance (conditioned response, CR), in this work autoshaping lever-press vs. nose-poke response was compared; secondly, new set of Animals were randomly assigned to SB-699551 plus forgetting or amnesia protocols. Results show that the nose-poke operandum reduced inter-individual variance, increased CR and produced a progressive CR until 48-h. After one week of no training/testing sessions (i.e., interruption of 216 h), the forgetting was observed; i.e., the CR% of control-saline group significantly decreased. In contrast, SB-699551 at 0.3 and 3.0 mg/kg prevents forgetting. Additionally, as previously reported the non-competitive NMDA Receptor Antagonist dizocilpine (0.2 mg/kg) or the non-selective cholinergic antagonist scopolamine (0.3 mg/kg) decreased CR in STM. SB-699551 (0.3 mg/kg) alone also produced amnesia-like effect. Co-administration of SB-699551-dizocilpine or SB-699551-scopolamine reversed the SB-699551 induced-amnesic effects in LTM (24-h). Nose-poke seems to be a reliable operandum. The anti-amnesic and anti-forgetting mechanisms of amnesic SB-699551-dose remain unclear. The present findings are consistent with the notion that low doses of 5-HT5A receptor antagonists might be useful for reversing memory deficits associated to forgetting and amnesia. Of course, further experiments are necessary.


Amnesia; Autoshaping Rats; Memory; Serotonin; forgetting.
