1. Academic Validation
  2. Assembly of transgenic human P301S Tau is necessary for neurodegeneration in murine spinal cord

Assembly of transgenic human P301S Tau is necessary for neurodegeneration in murine spinal cord

  • Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2019 Mar 18;7(1):44. doi: 10.1186/s40478-019-0695-5.
Jennifer A Macdonald 1 Iraad F Bronner 2 Lesley Drynan 1 Juan Fan 1 Annabelle Curry 3 Graham Fraser 4 Isabelle Lavenir 1 Michel Goedert 5


  • 1 MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge, CB2 0QH, UK.
  • 2 Wellcome Sanger Institute, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, CB10 1SA, UK.
  • 3 Kymab, The Bennet Building, Babraham Research Campus, Cambridge, CB22 3AT, UK.
  • 4 AstraZeneca, Sir Aaron Klug Building, Granta Park, Cambridge, CB21 6GH, UK.
  • 5 MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge, CB2 0QH, UK. mg@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk.

A pathological pathway leading from soluble monomeric to insoluble filamentous Tau is characteristic of many human neurodegenerative diseases, which also exhibit dysfunction and death of brain cells. However, it is unknown how the assembly of Tau into filaments relates to cell loss. To study this, we first used a mouse line transgenic for full-length human mutant P301S Tau to investigate the temporal relationship between Tau assembly into filaments, assessed using anti-Tau antibody AT100, and motor neuron numbers, in the lumbar spinal cord. AT100 immunoreactivity preceded nerve cell loss. Murine Tau did not contribute significantly to either Tau aggregation or neurodegeneration. To further study the relevance of filament formation for neurodegeneration, we deleted hexapeptides 275VQIINK280 and 306VQIVYK311, either singly or in combination, from human 0N4R Tau with the P301S mutation. These hexapeptides are essential for the assembly of Tau into filaments. Homozygous mice transgenic for P301S Tau with the hexapeptide deletions, which expressed Tau at a similar level to the heterozygous line transgenic for P301S Tau, had a normal lifespan, unlike mice from the P301S Tau line. The latter had significant levels of sarkosyl-insoluble Tau in brain and spinal cord, and exhibited neurodegeneration. Mice transgenic for P301S Tau with the hexapeptide deletions failed to show significant levels of sarkosyl-insoluble Tau or neurodegeneration. Recombinant P301S Tau with the hexapeptide deletions failed to form β-sheet structure and filaments following incubation with heparin. Taken together, we conclude that β-sheet assembly of human P301S Tau is necessary for neurodegeneration in transgenic mice.


Neurodegeneration; Sarkosyl-insoluble tau; Tau assembly; Tau filaments; Tauopathy; β-Sheet structure.
