1. Academic Validation
  2. Inositol phosphate kinases in the eukaryote landscape

Inositol phosphate kinases in the eukaryote landscape

  • Adv Biol Regul. 2021 Jan;79:100782. doi: 10.1016/j.jbior.2020.100782.
Debabrata Laha 1 Paloma Portela-Torres 1 Yann Desfougères 1 Adolfo Saiardi 2


  • 1 Medical Research Council Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology, University College London, WC1E6BT, London, UK.
  • 2 Medical Research Council Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology, University College London, WC1E6BT, London, UK. Electronic address: a.saiardi@ucl.ac.uk.

Inositol phosphate encompasses a large multifaceted family of signalling molecules that originate from the combinatorial attachment of phosphate groups to the inositol ring. To date, four distinct inositol kinases have been identified, namely, IPK, ITPK, IPPK (IP5-2K), and PPIP5K. Although, ITPKs have recently been identified in archaea, eukaryotes have taken advantage of these Enzymes to create a sophisticated signalling network based on inositol phosphates. However, it remains largely elusive what fundamental biochemical principles control the signalling cascade. Here, we present an evolutionary approach to understand the development of the 'inositol phosphate code' in eukaryotes. Distribution analyses of these four inositol kinase groups throughout the eukaryotic landscape reveal the loss of either ITPK, or of PPIP5K proteins in several species. Surprisingly, the loss of IPPK, an Enzyme thought to catalyse the rate limiting step of IP6 (phytic acid) synthesis, was also recorded. Furthermore, this study highlights a noteworthy difference between animal (metazoan) and plant (archaeplastida) lineages. While metazoan appears to have a substantial amplification of IPK Enzymes, archaeplastida genomes show a considerable increase in ITPK members. Differential evolution of IPK and ITPK between plant and animal lineage is likely reflective of converging functional adaptation of these two types of inositol kinases. Since, the IPK family comprises three sub-types IPMK, IP6K, and IP3-3K each with dedicated enzymatic specificity in metazoan, we propose that the amplified ITPK group in plant could be classified in sub-types with distinct enzymology.


Animal; Evolution; Inositol; Kinase; Metabolism; Phytic acid; Plant; Signalling.
