1. Academic Validation
  2. Kinetics and disposition of picumeterol in animals

Kinetics and disposition of picumeterol in animals

  • Xenobiotica. 1995 Sep;25(9):993-1007. doi: 10.3109/00498259509046670.
A Barrow 1 S J Camp S Dayal W N Jenner D Lashmar J M Oxford E Palmer N L Scully G C Curtis H M Hughes


  • 1 Glaxo Research and Development Ltd, Drug Metabolism Division, Ware, UK.

1. The pharmacokinetics and disposition of picumeterol, a novel beta 2 receptor agonist agent, have been studied in the rat and dog following administration by inhalation, intravenous and oral routes at various dose levels. 2. Picumeterol was found to be transferred across the lung of the rat and dog following inhalation dosage. After i.v. dosage picumeterol was eliminated from plasma with a half-life of about 1 h in the rat and about 2 h in the dog. Plasma clearance in the rat was about twice liver blood flow and the plasma levels of picumeterol were low after oral administration. 3. Following instillation of 14C-picumeterol to the trachea of isolated respiring rat lung preparations radioactivity was transferred from the airways to perfusion media as unchanged drug within 2 min. After 2 h perfusion, no metabolites were detected in the recirculation perfusate or lung. 4. Picumeterol was extensively metabolized in vivo in the rat (about 95%) and dog (about 90%) and in vitro in microsomal preparations of rat, dog and human liver. O-dealkylation and beta-oxidation are important as routes of metabolism. 5. Radioactivity was largely excreted in the urine of the rat and dog (> 50% of dose), as metabolites, following i.v. administration. There was some excretion of radioactivity in dog bile. Extensive first-pass metabolism was found after oral administration in the rat.
