1. Natural Products
  2. Plants
  3. Dipsacaceae


Dipsacaceae (14):

Cat. No. Product Name CAS No. Purity Chemical Structure
  • HY-N0265
    Asperosaponin VI 39524-08-8 98.91%
    Asperosaponin VI, A saponin component from Dipsacus asper, induces osteoblast differentiation through BMP‐2/p38 and ERK1/2 pathway. Asperosaponin Ⅵ inhibits apoptosis in hypoxia-induced cardiomyocyte by increasing the Bcl-2/Bax ratio and decreasing active caspase-3 expression, as well as enhancing of p-Akt and p-CREB.
    Asperosaponin VI
  • HY-N5083
    Saponarin 20310-89-8 98.84%
    Saponarin is a natural flavonoid isolated from Gypsophila trichotoma, with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective activities. Saponarin activates AMPK in a calcium-dependent manner, thus regulating gluconeogenesis and glucose uptake.
  • HY-N0266
    Dipsacoside B 33289-85-9 99.33%
    Dipsacoside B is a major bioactive saponin, which can be used as a marker.
    Dipsacoside B
  • HY-N2138
    Buddlejasaponin IVb 152580-79-5 99.54%
    Buddlejasaponin IVb (Compound 2), a triterpene saponin isolated from Clinopodium chinense (Benth.) O. Kuntze, Compound 2 has hemostasis efficacy, shortens thrombin time (TT) by 20.6 %.
    Buddlejasaponin IVb
  • HY-N3557
    Cauloside A 17184-21-3 99.55%
    Cauloside A (Leontoside A) is a saponin isolated from Dipsacus asper roots. Cauloside A has potent antifungal activity.
    Cauloside A
  • HY-N3030
    Sylvestroside I 71431-22-6
    Sylvestroside I is an iridoid isolated from Acicarpha tribuloides.
    Sylvestroside I
  • HY-N3505
    14-Hydroxy sprengerinin C 1111088-89-1 99.44%
    14-Hydroxy sprengerinin C is a steroidal compound found in Ophiopogon japonicus.
    14-Hydroxy sprengerinin C
  • HY-N9352
    Cantleyoside 32455-46-2
    Cantleyoside is a natiural iridoid glycoside that could be found in the Roots of Dipsacus asper.
  • HY-N2238
    Dipsanoside A 889678-62-0
    Dipsanoside A is a novel tetrairidoid glucoside from Dipsacus asper. Dipsacus asper Wall., a perennial plant widespread in China, has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years as a tonic for refreshment, as a fissiparism promoter of the osseous cells, and as an embryo security agent, etc.
    Dipsanoside A
  • HY-N2236
    Dipsanoside B 889678-64-2
    Dipsanoside B is a novel tetrairidoid glucoside from Dipsacus asper. Dipsacus asper Wall., a perennial plant widespread in China, has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years as a tonic for refreshment, as a fissiparism promoter of the osseous cells, and as an embryo security agent, etc.
    Dipsanoside B
  • HY-N0265R
    Asperosaponin VI (Standard) 39524-08-8
    Asperosaponin VI (Standard) is the analytical standard of Asperosaponin VI. This product is intended for research and analytical applications. Asperosaponin VI, A saponin component from Dipsacus asper, induces osteoblast differentiation through BMP‐2/p38 and ERK1/2 pathway. Asperosaponin Ⅵ inhibits apoptosis in hypoxia-induced cardiomyocyte by increasing the Bcl-2/Bax ratio and decreasing active caspase-3 expression, as well as enhancing of p-Akt and p-CREB.
    Asperosaponin VI (Standard)
  • HY-N0266R
    Dipsacoside B (Standard) 33289-85-9
    Dipsacoside B (Standard) is the analytical standard of Dipsacoside B. This product is intended for research and analytical applications. Dipsacoside B is a major bioactive saponin, which can be used as a marker.
    Dipsacoside B (Standard)
  • HY-N6014
    Asperosaponin IV 126778-93-6
    Asperosaponin IV is a Triterpenoids product that can be isolated from the roots of Dipsacus asperoides.
    Asperosaponin IV
  • HY-N5083R
    Saponarin (Standard) 20310-89-8
    Saponarin (Standard) is the analytical standard of Saponarin. This product is intended for research and analytical applications. Saponarin is a natural flavonoid isolated from Gypsophila trichotoma, with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective activities. Saponarin activates AMPK in a calcium-dependent manner, thus regulating gluconeogenesis and glucose uptake.
    Saponarin (Standard)