1. Signaling Pathways
  2. Apoptosis
  3. TNF Receptor
  4. TNFRSF1A/CD120a Isoform
  5. TNFRSF1A/CD120a Inhibitor

TNFRSF1A/CD120a Inhibitor

TNFRSF1A/CD120a Inhibitors (2):

Cat. No. Product Name Effect Purity
  • HY-114360A
    Taurohyodeoxycholic acid sodium
    Inhibitor 99.60%
    Taurohyodeoxycholic acid (THDCA) sodium is the taurine-conjugated form of the secondary bile acid hyodeoxycholic acid. Taurohyodeoxycholic acid can also reduce the activity and expression of myeloperoxidase TNF-α and IL-6, as well as colonic damage in TNBS-induced ulcerative colitis mouse model.
  • HY-N10009
    Cudraflavone B
    Cudraflavone B is a prenylated flavonoid with anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties. Cudraflavone B is also a dual inhibitor of COX-1 and COX-2. Cudraflavone B blocks the translocation of nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) from the cytoplasm to the nucleus in macrophages. Thus, Cudraflavone B inhibits tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) gene expression and secretion. Cudraflavone B also triggers the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway, activates NF-κB, the MAPK p38, and ERK, and induced the expression of SIRT1. Thus Cudraflavone B inhibits the growth of human oral squamous cell carcinoma cells.