1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Glucosylceramide transporter ABCA12

Glucosylceramide transporter ABCA12


Transports lipids such as glucosylceramides from the outer to the inner leaflet of lamellar granules (LGs) membrane, whereby the lipids are finally transported to the keratinocyte periphery via the trans-Golgi network and LGs and released to the apical surface of the granular keratinocytes to form lipid lamellae in the stratum corneum of the epidermis, which is essential for skin barrier function. In the meantime, participates in the transport of the lamellar granules-associated proteolytic enzymes, in turn regulates desquamation and keratinocyte differentiation. Furthermore, is essential for the regulation of cellular cholesterol homeostasis by regulating ABCA1-dependent cholesterol efflux from macrophages through interaction with NR1H2 and ABCA1 (By similarity). Plays pleiotropic roles in regulating glucose stimulated insulin secretion from beta cells, regulating the morphology and fusion of insulin granules, lipid raft abundance and the actin cytoskeleton (By similarity). Also involved in lung surfactant biogenesis (By similarity).

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