1. Biology Dictionary
  2. OTU domain-containing protein 7B

OTU domain-containing protein 7B


Negative regulator of the non-canonical NF-kappa-B pathway that acts by mediating deubiquitination of TRAF3, an inhibitor of the NF-kappa-B pathway, thereby acting as a negative regulator of B-cell responses. In response to non-canonical NF-kappa-B stimuli, deubiquitinates 'Lys-48'-linked polyubiquitin chains of TRAF3, preventing TRAF3 proteolysis and over-activation of non-canonical NF-kappa-B. Negatively regulates mucosal immunity against infections (By similarity). Deubiquitinates ZAP70, and thereby regulates T cell receptor (TCR) signaling that leads to the activation of NF-kappa-B. Plays a role in T cell homeostasis and is required for normal T cell responses, including production of IFNG and IL2 (By similarity). Mediates deubiquitination of EGFR. Has deubiquitinating activity toward 'Lys-11', 'Lys-48' and 'Lys-63'-linked polyubiquitin chains. Has a much higher catalytic rate with 'Lys-11'-linked polyubiquitin chains (in vitro); however the physiological significance of these data are unsure. Hydrolyzes both linear and branched forms of polyubiquitin.

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