1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Proteasome activator complex subunit 3

Proteasome activator complex subunit 3


Subunit of the 11S REG-gamma (also called PA28-gamma) proteasome regulator, a doughnut-shaped homoheptamer which associates with the proteasome. 11S REG-gamma activates the trypsin-like catalytic subunit of the proteasome but inhibits the chymotrypsin-like and postglutamyl-preferring (PGPH) subunits. Facilitates the MDM2-p53/TP53 interaction which promotes ubiquitination- and MDM2-dependent proteasomal degradation of p53/TP53, limiting its accumulation and resulting in inhibited apoptosis after DNA damage. May also be involved in cell cycle regulation. Mediates CCAR2 and CHEK2-dependent SIRT1 inhibition.

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