1. Gene
  2. HOXD13 - homeobox D13 Gene

HOXD13 - homeobox D13 Gene

Homo sapiens

Also known as BDE; SPD; BDSD; SPD1; HOX4I

Gene ID: 3239 | Gene type: protein coding

About HOXD13

Cytogenetic location: 2q31.1 Genomic coordinates (GRCh38): 2:176,087,487-176,095,944 (from NCBI)

This gene has 1 transcript (splice variant), 136 orthologues, 42 paralogues and is associated with 56 phenotypes. Biased expression in colon (RPKM 2.7), prostate (RPKM 2.6) and 1 other tissue.


This gene belongs to the homeobox family of genes. The homeobox genes encode a highly conserved family of transcription factors that play an important role in morphogenesis in all multicellular organisms. Mammals possess four similar homeobox gene clusters, HOXA, HOXB, HOXC and HOXD, located on different chromosomes, consisting of 9 to 11 genes arranged in tandem. This gene is one of several homeobox HOXD genes located in a cluster on chromosome 2. Deletions that remove the entire HOXD gene cluster or the 5' end of this cluster have been associated with severe limb and genital abnormalities. Mutations in this particular gene cause synpolydactyly. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]

HOXD13 Products(1)

mRNA Protein Name
NM_000523.4 NP_000514.2 homeobox protein Hox-D13
Gene Ontology
  • Molecular Function
  • Biological Process
Molecular Function GO Annotation Evidence Reference Source
enables DNA binding IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
26581570 GOA
enables DNA-binding transcription activator activity, RNA polymerase II-specific IMP
IMP: Inferred from mutant phenotype
24789103 GOA
enables sequence-specific double-stranded DNA binding IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
28473536 GOA
Biological Process GO Annotation Evidence Reference Source
involved in positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II IMP
IMP: Inferred from mutant phenotype
24789103 GOA
EXP: Inferred from Experiment IDA: Inferred from direct assay IPI: Inferred from physical interaction IMP: Inferred from mutant phenotype IGI: Inferred from genetic interaction IEP: Inferred from expression pattern

HOXD13 Protein Structure


HoxA13_N: Hox protein A13 N terminal (86 - 175)


Homeobox: Homeobox domain (277 - 333)

  • 0
  • 100
  • 200
  • 300
  • 343 a.a.
Protein Preferred Names Protein Names

homeobox protein Hox-D13

homeo box 4I

Related Diseases

Diseases Alias
Brachydactyly-Syndactyly Syndrome


Brachydactyly-Syndactyly-Oligodactyly Syndrome

Brachydactyly-Syndactyly, Zhao Type


Synpolydactyly 1


Synpolydactyly Type 1

Syndactyly, Type Ii


Sd2, Vordingborg Type


Spd, Vordingborg Type

Synpolydactyly, Vordingborg Type


Syndactyly Type 2

Synpolydactyly, Type 1

Syndactyly, Type V

Syndactyly Type 5


Syndactyly With Metacarpal And Metatarsal Fusion

Syndactyly With Associated Metacarpal And Metatarsal Fusion

Postaxial Syndactyly With Metacarpal Synostosis


Syndactyly 5

Syndactyly Type V

Brachydactyly, Type E1

Brachydactyly Type E1

Brachydactyly Type E


Brachydactyly, Type E


Type E Brachydactyly

Brachydactyly E1

Brachydactyly Syndrome Type E

Brachydactyly, Type D

Brachydactyly Type D


Stub Thumb

Brachydactyly D


Syndactyly Type 2

Syndactyly, Type 2


Zygodactyly Type 3

Sd1, Montagu Type


Syndactyly Type 1, Montagu Type

Syndactyly Type 1c

Zygodactyly, Montagu Type

Chromosome 2q35 Duplication Syndrome


Syndactyly Type 1



Syndactyly, Type I


Syndactyly, Type 1, With Or Without Craniosynostosis


Non-Syndromic Syndactyly


Webbing Of Digits

Syndactyly, Type 1


Non-Syndromic Polydactyly

Polydactyly, Postaxial

Postaxial Polydactyly

Supernumerary Digit

Extra Digits




Supernumerary Digits

Male Infertility

Infertility, Male

Infertility Male

Male Sterility

Absolute Infertility

Vater/Vacterl Association

Vacterl Association

Vater Association

Vacterl/Vater Association


Hand-Foot-Genital Syndrome

Hand-Foot-Uterus Syndrome


Hfg Syndrome

Hfu Syndrome



Hand Foot Uterus Syndrome

Hand Foot Genital Syndrome

Brachydactyly, Type A4

Brachymesophalangy Ii And V

Temtamy Type Brachydactyly

Brachydactyly Type A4


Brachymesophalangy 2 And 5

Brachydactyly Temtamy Type

Brachydactyly, Temtamy Type

Vacterl Association

Vater Association

Vater Syndrome


Hypospadias Familial

Familial Hypospadias

Brachydactyly, Type A3

Brachydactyly Type A3



Brachymesophalangy V

Brachymesophalangy 5

Brachydactyly Clinodactyly

Sugarman Brachydactyly

Brachydactyly With Major Proximal Phalangeal Shortening

Brachydactyly Of The Hands And Feet With Duplication Of The First Toes

Sugarman-Hager-Kulik Syndrome

Orofaciodigital Syndrome 3

Preaxial Deficiency, Postaxial Polydactyly, And Hypospadias

Guttmacher Syndrome

Preaxial Deficiency, Postaxial Polydactyly And Hypospadias

Autosomal Dominant Preaxial Deficiency, Postaxial Polydactyly, And Hypospadias

Preaxial Deficiency-Postaxial Polydactyly-Hypospadias Syndrome



Congenital Talipes Equinovarus

Congenital Clubfoot

Congenital Equinovarus

Equinovarus Deformity Of Foot

Club Foot

Scarlet Fever


Scarlatina Nos

Postinflammatory Pulmonary Fibrosis

Post-Inflammatory Pulmonary Fibrosis

Immunodeficiency 49


Severe Combined Immunodeficiency, T Cell-Negative, B Cell-Positive, Nk Cell-Positive, With Intellectual Disability, Spasticity, And Craniofacial Abnormalities

Scid, T Cell-Negative, B Cell-Positive, Nk Cell-Positive, With Intellectual Disability, Spasticity, And Craniofacial Abnormalities

Immunodeficiency 49, Severe Combined

Scid, T-Cell Negative, B-Cell Positive, Nk Cell Positive, With Intellectual Disability, Spasticity, And Craniofacial Abnormalities

Severe Combined Immunodeficiency, T-Cell Negative, B-Cell Positive, Nk Cell Positive, With Intellectual Disability, Spasticity, And Craniofacial Abnormalities

Scid, T-Cell-Negative, B-Cell-Positive, Nk-Cell-Positive, With Intellectual Disability, Spasticity, And Craniofacial Abnormalities

Turner Syndrome

Monosomy X

Gonadal Dysgenesis Turner Type

Ullrich-Turner Syndrome

Bonnevie-Ullrich Syndrome

Karyotype 45, X

Genital Dwarfism, Turner Type

Gonadal Dysgenesis


Turner'S Syndrome

Gonadal Dysgenesis - Turner

Monosomy X Syndrome

Xo Syndrome

Genital Dwarfism

45, X Syndrome

Bonnevie-Ulrich Syndrome

Chromosome X Monosomy X

Schereshevkii Turner Syndrome

Turner Varny Syndrome


45,X Syndrome

45,X/46,Xx Syndrome

Turners Syndrome

Gonadal Dysgenesis, 45,X

X0 Syndrome

Anus, Imperforate

Imperforate Anus

Anorectal Malformation

Anal Atresia

Anorectal Malformations

Congenital Atresia Of Anus

Congenital Or Infantile Occlusion Of Anus

Anal Stenosis


Hypertension And Brachydactyly Syndrome

Brachydactyly With Hypertension

Bilginturan Syndrome


Brachydactyly-Arterial Hypertension Syndrome

Brachydactyly, Type E, With Short Stature And Hypertension

Bilginturan Brachydactyly

Brachydactyly Type E With Short Stature And Hypertension

Type E Brachydactyly With Short Stature And Hypertension

Brachydactyly Type E, With Short Stature And Hypertension

Hypertension With Brachydactyly

Glaucomatocyclitic Crisis

Posner-Schlossman Syndrome

Terrien-Viel Syndrome

Microphthalmia, Syndromic 6


Microphthalmia And Pituitary Anomalies

Microphthalmia With Brain And Digit Anomalies

Microphthalmia With Brain And Digit Developmental Anomalies

Syndromic Microphthalmia Type 6

Syndromic Microphthalmia 6

Anophthalmia Clinical With Micrognathia Malformed Ears Digital Anomalies And Abnormal External Genitalia

Bakrania-Ragge Syndrome

Orofacial Cleft 11

Anophthalmia, Clinical, With Micrognathia, Malformed Ears, Digital Anomalies, And Abnormal External Genitalia

Microphthalmia Syndromic 6

Microphthalmia, Syndromic, 6

Clinical Anophthalmia With Micrognathia, Malformed Ears, Digital Anomalies And Abnormal External Genitalia

Microphthalmia Syndromic, Type 6

Syndactyly, Type Iv

Syndactyly Type 4

Polysyndactyly, Haas Type


Haas Type Syndactyly


Polysyndactyly Type Haas

Syndactyly 4

Polysyndactyly Haas Type

Syndactyly Type Iv

Tibia, Hypoplasia Or Aplasia Of, With Polydactyly

Hypoplastic Or Aplastic Tibia With Polydactyly

Absence Of Tibia With Polydactyly

Tibial Hemimelia-Polysyndactyly-Triphalangeal Thumb Syndrome


Tibial Hemimelia-Polydactyly-Triphalangeal Thumbs With Fibular Dimelia

Absent Tibia-Polydactyly Syndrome

Werner Mesomelic Syndrome

Hypoplastic Tibiae-Postaxial Polydactyly Syndrome

Polydactyly With Absent Tibia

Werner Mesomelic Spectrum

Hypoplasia Or Aplasia Of Tibia With Polydactyly


Tibia, Hypoplasia Of, With Polydactyly

Holoprosencephaly 5



Holoprosencephaly, Type 5

Brachydactyly, Type C

Brachydactyly Type C


Brachydactyly Haws Type

Brachydactyly, Haws Type

Brachydactyly C

Chromosomal Duplication Syndrome
Mullerian Duct Aplasia, Unilateral Renal Agenesis, And Cervicothoracic Somite Anomalies

Murcs Association

Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome Type 2

Mrkh Syndrome Type 2

Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser Syndrome Type 2


Klippel-Feil Deformity, Conductive Deafness, And Absent Vagina

Atypical Mrkh Syndrome

Mullerian Duct Aplasia-Renal Dysplasia-Cervical Somite Anomalies Syndrome

Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome, Type Ii

Mrkh, Type Ii

Mullerian Duct Aplasia, Unilateral Renal Aplasia, And Cervicothoracic Somite Dysplasia

Klippel-Feil Deformity - Conductive Deafness - Absent Vagina

Müllerian Aplasia - Renal Aplasia - Cervicothoracic Somite Dysplasia

46,Xy Sex Reversal 8


Male Pseudohermaphroditism Due To Deficiency Of Testicular 17,20-Desmolase


46,Xy Disorder Of Sex Development Due To Testicular 17,20-Desmolase Deficiency

46xy Sex Reversal 8

46xy Sex Reversal 8, Modifier Of

Male Pseudohermaphroditism: Deficiency Of Testicular 17,20-Desmolase

Bone Development Disease


Arkless-Graham Syndrome

Maroteaux-Malamut Syndrome

Nasal Hypoplasia-Peripheral Dysostosis-Intellectual Disability Syndrome

Peripheral Dysostosis-Nasal Hypoplasia-Intellectual Disability Syndrome

Greig Cephalopolysyndactyly Syndrome


Polysyndactyly With Peculiar Skull Shape

Polysyndactyly With Peculiars Skull Shape

Greig Syndrome

Cephalopolysyndactyly Syndrome

Greig Cephalo-Poly-Syndactyly Syndrome

Cephalopolysyndactyly, Greig Syndrome

Aarskog Syndrome

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 21

Diabetes Mellitus, Insulin-Dependent, 21



Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus 21

Currarino Syndrome

Currarino Triad

Partial Sacral Agenesis With Intact First Sacral Vertebra, Presacral Mass And Anorectal Malformation


Laurin-Sandrow Syndrome

Sandrow Syndrome

Tetramelic Mirror-Image Polydactyly

Mirror-Image Polydactyly

Mirror Hands And Feet With Nasal Defects




Mirror Hands And Feets-Nasal Defects Syndrome

Fibula And Ulna, Duplication Of, With Absence Of Tibia And Radius

Miccor Hands And Feet With Nasal Defects

Mipduplication Of Fibuland Ulna With Absence Of Tibia And Radius

Fibula Ulna Duplication Tibia Radius Absence

Laurin Sandrow Syndrome

Duplication Of Fibula And Ulna With Absence Of Tibia And Radius

Segmental Laurin-Sandrow Syndrome

Laurin-Sandrow Syndrome, Segmental

Pallister-Hall Syndrome


Hypothalamic Hamartomas

Hypothalamic Hamartoblastoma, Hypopituitarism, Imperforate Anus, And Postaxial Polydactyly

Hypothalamic Hamartoblastoma Syndrome

Hamartoma Of The Hypothalamus

Pallister Hall Syndrome

Hall-Pallister Syndrome

Hypothalamic Hamartoblastoma Hypopituitarism Imperforate Anus And Postaxial Polydactyly

Hamartoma, Hypothalamic



Chromosome 2q37 Deletion Syndrome

Albright Hereditary Osteodystrophy-Like Syndrome

2q37 Microdeletion Syndrome

Brachydactyly-Intellectual Disability Syndrome

Deletion 2q37

2q37 Deletion Syndrome

Brachydactyly-Mental Retardation Syndrome


Albright Hereditary Osteodystrophy Type 3


Monosomy 2q37qter

Albright'S Hereditary Osteodystrophy-Like Syndrome

Monosomy 2q37

Chromosome Deletion Syndrome 2q37

Anus Disease

Anal Fissure

Ulcer Of Anus

Anus Diseases

Anal Disease

Anal Fissure And Fistula

Anal Ulcer

Fissure In Ano

Nontraumatic Tear Of Anus

Solitary Anal Ulcer

Abnormality Of The Anus

Anal Disorders

Ulcer Of Anus And Rectum

Solitary Ulcer Of Anus

Stercoral Ulcer Of Anus

Townes-Brocks Syndrome

Townes Syndrome

Renal-Ear-Anal-Radial Syndrome

Anus, Imperforate, With Hand, Foot And Ear Anomalies

Imperforate Anus-Hand, Foot And Ear Anomalies Syndrome

Rear Syndrome

Sensorineural Deafness With Imperforate Anus And Hypoplastic Thumbs


Deafness, Sensorineural, With Imperforate Anus And Hypoplastic Thumbs

Imperforate Anus With Hand, Foot And Ear Anomalies

Anal-Ear-Renal-Radial Malformation Syndrome

Deafness-Imperforate Anus-Hypoplastic Thumbs Syndrome

Imperforate Anus-Hand And Foot Anomalies Syndrome

Sensorineural Deafness-Imperforate Anus-Hypoplastic Thumbs Syndrome

Sensorineural Hearing Loss With Imperforate Anus And Hypoplastic Thumbs

Brachydactyly, Type A1

Brachydactyly Type A1


Farabee-Type Brachydactyly

Farabee Type Brachydactyly

Brachydactyly Farabee Type

Brachydactyly, Farabee Type

Brachydactyly A1


Sacral Defect With Anterior Meningocele

Caudal Regression Syndrome

Caudal Regression Sequence

Sacral Agenesis

Caudal Dysgenesis Syndrome


Caudal Dysplasia Sequence

Caudal Dysplasia

Sacral Agenesis Syndrome

Sacral Regression Syndrome

Sacral Defect And Anterior Sacral Meningocele

Rudd Klimek Syndrome


Chromosomal Disease

Chromosomal Disorders

Congenital Chromosomal Disease

Esophageal Atresia

Tracheoesophageal Fistula

Congenital Atresia Of Esophagus

Congenital Imperforate Esophagus

Imperforate Esophagus

Oesophageal Atresia

Te Fistula


Tracheoesophageal Fistula With Or Without Esophageal Atresia

Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome


Haddad Syndrome

Ondine Curse

Ondine Syndrome

Congenital Central Hypoventilation

Congenital Central Alveolar Hypoventilation Syndrome

Congenital Failure Of Autonomic Control

Ondine'S Curse

Primary Alveolar Hypoventilation

Ondine-Hirschsprung Disease

Central Congenital Hypoventilation Syndrome

Congenital Ondine Curse

Idiopathic Congenital Central Alveolar Hypoventilation

Congenital Central Alveolar Hypoventilation-Hirschsprung Disease Syndrome

Ondine-Hirschsprung Syndrome

Diseases Alias
Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Macroglobulinemia Of Waldenstrom

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma With Igm Gammopathy

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Macroglobulinemia Of Waldenstrom

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma With Igm Gammopathy

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma

Orthologs Information

Species Symbol Source ID
Bos taurus HOXD13 VGNC VGNC:58382
Mus musculus HOXD13 MGD MGI:96205
Felis catus HOXD13 VGNC VGNC:67633
Rattus norvegicus HOXD13 RGD RGD:1308417