1. Academic Validation
  2. CD39L2, a gene encoding a human nucleoside diphosphatase, predominantly expressed in the heart

CD39L2, a gene encoding a human nucleoside diphosphatase, predominantly expressed in the heart

  • Biochemistry. 2000 Oct 24;39(42):12916-23. doi: 10.1021/bi000959z.
G Yeung 1 J J Mulero D W McGowan S S Bajwa J E Ford


  • 1 Functional Genomics Department, Immunology Group, Hyseq Inc., 670 Almanor Avenue, Sunnyvale, California 94086, USA.

E-NTPDases are extracellular Enzymes that hydrolyze nucleotides. The human E-NTPDase gene family currently consists of five reported members (CD39, CD39L1, CD39L2, CD39L3, and CD39L4). Both membrane-bound and secreted family members have been predicted by encoded transmembrane and leader peptide motifs. In this report, we demonstrate that the human CD39L2 gene is expressed predominantly in the heart. In situ hybridization results from heart indicate that the CD39L2 message is expressed in muscle and capillary endothelial cells. We also show that the CD39L2 gene encodes an extracellular E-NTPDase. Flow cytometric experiments show that transiently expressed CD39L2 is present on the surface of COS-7 cells. Transfected cells also produce recombinant glycosylated protein in the medium, and this process can be blocked by brefeldin A, an inhibitor of the mammalian secretory pathway. The enzymology of CD39L2 shows characteristic features of a typical E-NTPDase, but with a much higher degree of specificity for NDPs over NTPs as enzymatic substrates. The kinetics of the ADPase activity exhibit positive cooperativity. The predominance of CD39L2 expression in the heart supports a functional role in regulating platelet activation and recruitment in this organ.
