1. Academic Validation
  2. [Comparison of the anticonvulsant activity of organic mono- and di-cations and their potential to inhibit NMDA and AMPA glutamate receptors]

[Comparison of the anticonvulsant activity of organic mono- and di-cations and their potential to inhibit NMDA and AMPA glutamate receptors]

  • Ross Fiziol Zh Im I M Sechenova. 2002 Sep;88(9):1161-71.
N Ia Lukomskaia 1 N I Rukoiatkina L V Gorbunova V E Gmiro K V Bol'shakov L G Magazanik


  • 1 I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Russian Acad. Sci., 194223, St. Petersburg, pr. M. Toreza, 44, Russia.
PMID: 12503423

Effects of mono- and dicationic derivatives of adamantine and phenylcyclohexyl were studied on: (i) open channels of NMDA and AMPA glutamate receptors in the experiments on the isolated rat brain neurones, and (ii) convulsions induced by intraventricular injections of NMDA or kainate in mice. Monocations inhibited the NMDA receptors in vitro and prevented convulsions induced by NMDA in vivo, but failed to affect both the AMPA receptors and kainite-induced convulsions. Dications (IEM-1754 and IEM-1925) revealed both anti-NMDA and anti-AMPA potency in vitro, were highly effective against kainite-induced convulsions and excelled monocations in preventing the NMDA-induced ones. Evidently some steps connected with the AMPA Receptor activity are involved in the genesis of the NMDA-induced convulsions. Anticonvulsant potency of IEM-1754 and IEM-1925 is comparable with those of known NMDA Receptor inhibitors: memantine and MK-801. The IEM-1754 and IEM-1925 show no side effects. An incomplete correspondence between the activity in vitro and in vivo found studying some derivatives, may be due to peculiarities of their pharmacokinetics.
