1. Academic Validation
  2. Characterization of RNASET2, the first human member of the Rh/T2/S family of glycoproteins

Characterization of RNASET2, the first human member of the Rh/T2/S family of glycoproteins

  • Arch Biochem Biophys. 2006 May 15;449(1-2):17-26. doi: 10.1016/j.abb.2006.02.022.
Paola Campomenosi 1 Silvia Salis Christer Lindqvist Davide Mariani Tommy Nordström Francesco Acquati Roberto Taramelli


  • 1 Department of Biotechnology and Molecular Sciences, University of Insubria, Via JH Dunant, 3, 21100 Varese, Italy. paola.compomenosi@uninsubria.it

Ribonucleases are ubiquitous Enzymes involved in RNA metabolism and are classified in several families on the basis of their structural, catalytic, and biological properties. Here, we describe characterization of the only human member of the Rh/T2/S family of acid hydrolases so far described, named RNASET2. This protein was previously reported to have an interesting biological function in the control of tumourigenesis and metastatization. We show that RNASET2 is present in multiple forms in human cell lines and mouse tissues, one of which represents the full length, glycosylated and secreted form, while the Others are proteolytic products. RNASET2 is endowed with catalytic activity as demonstrated with purified recombinant protein expressed in the Baculovirus Expression Vector System and in a human cell line ectopically expressing various types of constructs. Furthermore, we document for this protein a lysosomal localization as described for Other members of the Rh/T2/S family of ribonucleases. The results presented herein represent a further advancement toward the molecular understanding of the tumour suppressive properties of the human RNASET2 protein.
