1. Academic Validation
  2. Dextran Sulfate Sodium (DSS)-Induced Acute Colitis in the Rat

Dextran Sulfate Sodium (DSS)-Induced Acute Colitis in the Rat

  • Methods Mol Biol. 2016:1371:197-203. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3139-2_12.
Jérôme C Martin 1 2 3 Gaëlle Bériou 4 Régis Josien 4 5 6


  • 1 INSERM UMR1064, ITUN, Nantes, 44000, France. Jerome.martin@univ-nantes.fr.
  • 2 Faculté de Médecine, Université de Nantes, Nantes, 44000, France. Jerome.martin@univ-nantes.fr.
  • 3 Laboratoire d'Immunologie, CHU Nantes Hôtel Dieu, 9, quai Moncousu, Nantes, Cedex 1, 44093, France. Jerome.martin@univ-nantes.fr.
  • 4 INSERM UMR1064, ITUN, Nantes, 44000, France.
  • 5 Faculté de Médecine, Université de Nantes, Nantes, 44000, France.
  • 6 Laboratoire d'Immunologie, CHU Nantes Hôtel Dieu, 9, quai Moncousu, Nantes, Cedex 1, 44093, France.

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) are complex multifactorial disease thought to result from inappropriate immune responses to the gut microbiota, in genetically susceptible individuals, under the influence of environmental factors. Among the different animal models developed to help in understanding IBDs pathophysiological mechanisms as well as to achieve pharmacological preclinical studies, the dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced colitis model is the most widely used because of its simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and similarity with human IBDs. This section provides with a detailed protocol that we validated in our laboratory to perform DSS-induced acute colitis in the Sprague-Dawley (SPD) rat.


Animal models; Colitis; Crohn’s disease; Dextran sodium sulfate; Inflammatory bowel disease; Rats; Ulcerative colitis.
